
Results 21 comments of qzttt

I use Cygwin in windows, the Cygwin is installed by git, it does not work

> What version of Node.js are you using? > > Also, please do `console.log(process.platform)` and let me know what the value is. Thanks! win32

> What version of Node.js are you using? > > Also, please do `console.log(process.platform)` and let me know what the value is. Thanks! not Cygwin , is MINGW64

> > not Cygwin , is MINGW64 > > Can you clarify? What do you mean? sorry,the title should modify:MINGW64 does not support

{ test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel-loader', include: [resolve('src'),resolve('node_modules/@antv')] },

> 我直接let json = this.$refs['wfd'].graph.save()获取数据 > 直接赋值 this.demoData = json > 发现这样并不能正常更新数据?是什么原因? 跟监听数据有关系, data(oldData,newData){ if(oldData !== newData) { if (this.graph) { this.graph.changeData(this.initShape(newData)); this.graph.setMode(this.mode); this.graph.emit('canvas:click'); if (this.cmdPlugin) { this.cmdPlugin.initPlugin(this.graph); } if...

> > > 我直接let json = this.$refs['wfd'].graph.save()获取数据 > > > 直接赋值 this.demoData = json > > > 发现这样并不能正常更新数据?是什么原因? > > > > > > 跟监听数据有关系, > > data(oldData,newData){ > >...

我已出现过这样的问题, babel-loader的地方加上antv { test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel-loader', include: [resolve('src'), resolve('node_modules/@antv')], },

我的webpack也是 3.x系列, babel-loader加上antv以后,报的错是 Error: Couldn't find preset "preset-env" relative to directory .babel.rc 是这样的: { "compact": false, "presets": [ "es2015", ["env", { "modules": false, "targets": { "browsers": [ "> 1%", "last...