Enrique Llorente Pastora
Enrique Llorente Pastora
> I think this is a bug. It should do what Nmstate currently does when a unknown/unsupported interface is present. We need to fix that, thanks for pointing it out....
Is not disabling vlan-filtering when it explicitly disabled ``` Failure [202.860 seconds] NodeNetworkState /tmp/knmstate/kubernetes-nmstate/test/e2e/handler/simple_bridge_and_bond_test.go:136 when desiredState is configured /tmp/knmstate/kubernetes-nmstate/test/e2e/handler/simple_bridge_and_bond_test.go:137 with a linux bridge up with a port with disabled VLAN...
The route absent works if firt nncp is applied with ipv4: false and then the route is stated as absent, this was working fine with python version.
New failing tests: 74 Passed | 6 Failed | 3 Pending | 0 Skipped ``` Summarizing 6 Failures: [FAIL] EnactmentCondition when applying valid config [It] should go from Progressing to...
/retest Let's see if https://github.com/nmstate/nmstate/pull/1868 fixes stuff
I am adapting the kubevirt k8s reporter, to get stuff, let's have it next week.
It will retrieve stuff between test so you can do per test forensics. But you right, we need both. El vie., 17 ene. 2020 8:42 p. m., Petr Horacek escribió:...
Hi, kubernetes-nmstate delegates the validation on nmstate, so this has to be implemented on nmstate, you can contact them here and ask about it, https://github.com/nmstate/nmstate#contact. Also note that the nmstate...