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ITU P.563 code with minor modifications to make it run on Mac

*** README file for ITU-T P.563 Version 1.0 software *** Reference implementation of P.563 (Single Ended *** Assessment Model) and conformance data


ITU-T P.563 (05/2004) - Single-ended method for objective speech quality assessment in narrow-band telephony applications

This electronic material is provided as part of ITU-T Rec. P.563. The package contains the following files:


README.TXT This file

C files

back_noise.c	  		Local and Global Background Noise      
beeprob.c 				Evaluation of UnnaturalBeeps Robotization UnnaturalSilences
                        SharpDeclines and FrameRepeats
dsp.c					Signal processing functions
Enhance.c				Speech enhancement modules
EvalQual.c				Basic Quality evaluation 
hosm.c					Speech statistics functions
inter_detect.c			Signal interruption functions
lpc.c					LPC calculation functions
LpcAnalysis.c			Linear Prediction modules for Speech enhancement
mapping.c				Perceptual mapping
module1.c				Pitch, vocal tract, noise and mutes analysis functions
module2.c				Unnatural speech, noise and mutes analysis functions
module3.c				Speech statistics interruptions and segmental SNR functions 
tools1.c				Basic Arithmetic functions
p563.c					Main program
pitch.c					Pitch extraction functions
Quant.c					Speech enhancement modules
SignalsPercept.c		Basic Voice quality functions
SpeechLib.c				Basic filter functions
Statistics.c			Basic Statistic functions
tools.c					Arithmetic functions
vector_lib.c			Basic vector arithmetic functions 

Header files

back_noise.h			Header file for back_noise.c
beeprob.h				Header file for beeprob.c
defines.h				P.563 model definitions
dsp.h					Header file for dsp.c
Enhance.h				Header file for Enhance.c
EvalQual.h				Header file for EvalQual.c
hosm.h					Header file for hosm.c
interr_detect.h			Header file for inter_detect.c
lpc.h					Header file for lpc.c
LpcAnalysis.h			Header file for LpcAnalysis.c
mapping.h				Header file for mapping.c
module1.h				Header file for module1.c
module2.h				Header file for module2.c
module3.h				Header file for module3.c
tools1.h				Header file for tools1.c
pitch.h					Header file for pitch.c
Quant.h					Header file for Quant.c
QuantTab.h		 		Constants for Quant.c
SignalsPercept.h		Header file for SignalsPercept.c
SpeechLib.h				Header file for SpeechLib.c
Statistics.h			Header file for Statistics.c
tools.h					Header file for tools.c
vector_lib.h			Header file for vector_lib.c


  1. Windows platform

    • cd to the distribution directory
    • nmake /f make_win prepare
    • nmake /f make_win clean
    • nmake /f make_win
  2. Linux platform

    • cd to the distribution directory
    • gmake prepare
    • gmake clean
    • gmake

Executables are generated in bin directory.


conform\conformance_results_supp23.txt Conf. data, ITU-T P-series Suppl.23 conform\process.bat Batch script



The Single Ended Assessment Model P.563 algorithm and the copyright therein is the joint property of Psytechnics Limited, OPTICOM GmbH and SwissQual AG and is protected by UK, US and other patents, either applied for or registered. Permission is granted to use this source code solely for the purpose of evaluation of ITU-T recommendation P.563. Any other use of this software requires a licence, which may be obtained from:

OPTICOM GmbH Am Weichselgarten 7, D- 91058 Erlangen, Germany Phone: +49 9131 691 160 Fax: +49 9131 691 325
E-mail: [email protected] www.3sqm.com

Psytechnics Limited Fraser House, 23 Museum Street, Ipswich, IP1 1HN, UK Phone: +44 1 473 261 800 Fax: +44 1 473 261 880 E-mail: [email protected] www.psytechnics.com

SwissQual AG Gewerbestrasse 2 CH-4528 Zuchwil, Switzerland Phone: +41 32 685 08 30 Fax: +41 32 685 08 31
E-mail: [email protected] www.swissqual.com


Notwithstanding the above, it is prohibited to place this software on a network or to copy the software for sale, license or transfer to third parties.

The ITU does not take any responsibility for difficulties or the impossibility of reading out the contents of these files. The ITU shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the software.

The present notice must be included in any copy of the software or the information contained therein.


For distribution of update software, please contact: Sales Department ITU Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneve 20 SUISSE email: [email protected]

For reporting problems, please contact TSB helpdesk service at: TSB Helpdesk service ITU Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneve 20 SUISSE fax: +41 22 730 5853 email: [email protected]