ctrl+s保存后焦点就不在文档内了, 要用鼠标点一下获取焦点才能继续编辑; 能不能保存后光标继续停留在文档内?
I'd like to be notified when my PC is muted or I don't wear a headset. Maybe can combine with the Obsidian Reminder Plugin.
The behavior of 'Heading Blank Lines' has changed after upgrading to v1.20.1. I found that it is fixed by this issue: [GitHub Issue 773](https://github.com/platers/obsidian-linter/issues/773) However, I have become accustomed to...
When searching using headings mode, it can be difficult to find specific information when multiple files contain headings with similar names. For example, when searching for information on creating tables...
最近刚从strokeit转到WGestures, 感觉WGestures非常好用, 感谢作者付出. 软件用得越来越多, 命令越来越多, 手势也变得越来越复杂, 能否在左半边屏幕做手势和右半边做手势触发不同的命令, 这样能充分利用到简单手势. 比如: 我在屏幕左边做向右的手势, 表示前进; 在屏幕右边做向右的手势, 表示切换到右边的标签页.
现在添加程序只能匹配一个程序路径, 有时候两个或多个程序的手势是一样的, 只能添加为不同程序, 同样的手势要设置两边, 很麻烦. 能否添加多个程序到同一程序组下? 比如: 平常用chrome, 有时候用猎豹浏览器, 两个程序手势基本一样, 但是我要设置两次. 再比如: 全局手势`ctrl+w`关闭标签页, 但是有些程序是`ctrl+F4`关闭标签页, 这些程序我要每个添加一遍, 再设置`ctrl+F4`的手势, 很麻烦.
the example code for `array.reduce` can't get the expected result. in order to get the expected result 0, the second line should change `+` to `-` . ``` [55, 44,...