> @qianlifeng yeah, it seems like the binary doesn't have execute permissions. > > ``` > -rw-r--r-- 1 kakao staff 222160 2 19 12:43 /Users/User_1/.wox/ui/flutter/wox.app/Contents/MacOS/wox > ``` Yes, just give...
partial support on mac now, try to find solution on windows.
Sorry to hear that. We use [this](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.io.file.delete?view=net-8.0) method to delete files, which seems not to recycle bin, it just deleted.
Good suggestion, I would change the delete to delete to recycle bin to make sure users can find these files in the recycle bin if they regret it.
> I downloaded WOX but it doesn't work with me Windows 11 What's the version of Wox did you download?
无法构建具体报告什么错误? 应该是某些依赖并没有安装. 目前自动构建在ubuntu是没有问题的.
> > 无法构建具体报告什么错误?应该是某些依赖并没有安装。目前自动构建在 ubuntu 是没有问题的. > > 确实如此,解决了,AUR仓库里的wox-git没写依赖pip和flutter > > 依赖问题:需要先 `sudo pacman -S flutter python-pip`,然后`git config --global --add safe.directory /opt/flutter` 再用aur安装`paru -S wox-git`,此时已经可以完成安装 安装完成之后无法打开应用,提示 Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"...
> > @Zker67 安装 wox-git 运行 wox 一次,然后执行 chmod +x ~/.wox/ui/flutter/wox/wox,再运行 wox 试试。不知道问题一样不 > > > > thx,添加执行权限之后,可以用命令行执行wox出现输入框了 > > > > 目前功能无法生效,诸如:无法锁定电脑、无法清空回收站、无法打开设置 > > > > 此外必须关闭进程才能再次执行wox出现输入框,不知道这是否是个人问题 linux版本还在非常早期的阶段,如果有能力贡献可以提PR,如果不着急就先等等。目前主要精力还是在mac跟window版本
> Linux still can't run Yes, still working on macos and windows 😂
Try this: https://osxdaily.com/2019/02/13/fix-app-damaged-cant-be-opened-trash-error-mac/#:~:text=Use%20xattr%20on%20the%20App%20Throwing%20the%20Damaged%20Error