Qian Bin
Qian Bin
> > so it's nothing related to pruner. > > wondering how is the disk load if all http requests are stopped. > > What about **[main.db/LOG](https://pastebin.com/raw/MrmTnQfP)** ? I can't...
> I have changed `--cache 4096` to `--cache 1024` and restart. I will watch how it helps. > > ``` > /opt/vechain/bin/thor --network main --data-dir /opt/vechain/data --api-addr --verbosity 9...
First we should know what causes the high CPU load. Is the node still synchronizing? Are there many http requests to this node?
> Node is fully synchronized > Request ~25/sec > The long request looks like this > `/logs/event` '/logs/event' is indeed a a time-costly operation. what are the parameters? need that...
VTHO is internally called `energy`. State presentation of energy can be found in VeChain's account model definition: https://github.com/vechain/thor/blob/master/state/account.go. Additionally, VTHO is ERC20(VIP180) compliant. So there's a builtin contract to handle...
1. Yes 2. Code about voting can be found at https://github.com/vechain/thor/blob/master/builtin/gen/executor.sol. It's steering committee's voting contract. It's pluggable for community voting contracts.
the contents added into bloom filter are all byte slices. what does 0x prefix mean?
Wow, looks interesting.
为了应对长程攻击,唯链在区块头里面加入了totalScore字段。在产生分叉时,totalScore作为主链选择的依据,类似以太坊的totalDifficulty。 在一个去中心化的p2p网络里,很多时候无法区分某个节点是恶意的,还是由于网络不通畅,因此,on-chain的惩罚机制被认为是不合适的或者说很难实现。当前的设想是通过链下审计 + 链上投票结合的方式来惩罚认定的恶意节点。
对dag不熟悉😂 > 如果是在dag中,这种链下审计+😂链上投票模式就死翘翘了 Qian Bin 于2019年6月8日周六 下午2:01写道: > […](#)