shanty-themes copied to clipboard
The shanty emacs theme is meant for us, you and me - the workers - who may not get dirty hands very often but love to code and tinker while looking at a screen full of pleasant colors.
Shanty Emacs Theme
The shanty emacs theme is meant for us, you and me - the workers - who may not get dirty hands very often but love to code and tinker while looking at a screen full of pleasant colors.
This theme is fairly new and still under more or less active development. Feel free to contact me about possible enhancements (:
This theme provides a dark and also a light variant.
The theme is now available through package.el
;; Add this to your init.el to make packages from MELPA available through package.el
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
;; Install the theme
(package-install 'shanty-themes)
Or interactively via M-x
and then type shanty-themes
If the package didn't show up try M-x
Alternatively, one could either use straight to install the package:
(straight-use-package '(shanty-themes :host github :repo "qhga/shanty-themes")) ;; GITHUB
(straight-use-package 'shanty-themes) ;; MELPA
Or by manually adding shanty-themes.el
, shanty-themes-dark-theme.el
to ~/.emacs.d/themes
and the following to your init.el
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes")
To activate the theme, one could use M-x
and activate either the
dark version shanty-themes-dark
or the light verison shanty-themes-light
To load the theme automatically on startup add the following code to your init.el
;; For the dark version
(load-theme 'shanty-themes-dark t)
;; For the light version
(load-theme 'shanty-themes-light t)
Shanty Themes Dark
Shanty Themes Light
For now, there are not many configuration options available. If you have any suggestions, feel free to open an issue.
(setq shanty-themes-function-box t) ;; Enable or disable the boxes around function definitions
Officially Supported Modes
The faces of the following modes have all been manually adjusted to fit the themes aesthetics.
This does not mean, that other modes have to look ugly or weird, because a lot of modes inherit
face attributes from more general definitions (e.g. comment-like-faces often inherit from shadow
- [x] Ansi-colors (Light Versions have to be set by the user to highlight shell buffers)
- [x] Avy
- [x] Ccls
- [x] Company-mode
- [x] Compilation
- [x] Custom
- [x] Diff
- [x] Dired
- [x] Ediff
- [x] Ein (emacs ipython notebook)
- [x] Evil-mode
- [x] Flycheck
- [x] General Programming
- [x] Git-gutter / git-gutter-fringe
- [x] Gnus
- [x] Helm
- [x] Info
- [x] Ivy
- [x] Linum
- [x] Lsp-mode / lsp-ui
- [x] Magit
- [x] Marginalia-mode
- [x] Markdown-mode
- [x] Message-mode
- [x] Minibuffer
- [x] Mode-line
- [x] Org-agenda
- [x] Org-mode
- [x] Outline
- [x] Rainbow-delimiters
- [x] Speedbar
- [x] Straight
- [x] Swiper
- [x] Symbol-overlay
- [x] Term-color
- [x] Tty-menu
- [x] Undo-tree
- [x] Vertico-mode
- [x] Xref