reflex-realworld-example copied to clipboard
Make sure that the main page shows your personalised feed if you are logged in, otherwise the global feed. The tab should work switching between the two (and the favourites...
It's probably better that we don't rely on having a postgres server setup for the workshop. Lets see what happens if we change things over to a sqlite backend instead.
Get Brad's code moved in there properly. Be sure to shout out some attribution for his awesome work in the readme! :)
Get servant snap into our obelisk project so that we can embed the API.
Whatever DB that we use, we need to have it have the scheme and populated with some test data to be able to test the UI with. Preferrably automatic.
Actually load the tags from the DB and get them clickable to reduce the view.
Have the my-articles and favourited articles tabs working on the profile page.