Alexej Yaroshevich

Results 192 comments of Alexej Yaroshevich

@yosbelms Since NPM repo owned by @zaach and linked to this repo would be great to get a response from him. Just to have publishing access and merging power to...

@zaach :+1: Issues would be great. What you think about parsing lexer/grammar files with jison-generated parsers? ;-) — this one looks pretty good to me ;-)

@zaach By my feelings: it has more stricter syntax (blocker), better error reporting. :+1: for, commit message linter, jscs/jshint/eslint stuff, travis, etc.

Да, можно починить, вроде дешево

see etc.

~~Это нужно тем, у кого терминал светлый, например. Лучше через ENV.~~ Ой, не тот issue.

Ну подождите, кто мешает строить некое AST для хтмл (по тегам) и сранивать отдельно само дерево, затем его содержимое, и затем собирать вывод.

In common, please don't use conditionals for configurations. Complexity shouldn't grow here...

We need a champion here.

Actually, you can do this without `basedOn` field: ```js const { react } = '@bem/sdk.naming.presets'; module.exports = { ...react, fs: { ...react.fs, pattern: '${entity}.${tech}' } }; ``` And path to...