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No more wallets in one year.

Wallet-Abstraction -- ETHGlobal NY 2023

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Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. What is demonstrated?
  3. How does it work?
  4. Why is it simple, efficient and secure?
  5. Installation
    • Contracts
      • Deploy the entire stack on Anvil
      • Deploy the stack on networks that already have an EntryPoint contract
    • Applications
  6. Live contracts addresses
    • Sepolia
    • Polygon Mumbai PoS
    • Polygon zkEVM Testnet
    • Linea
    • Stylus
    • Scroll
    • CELO
    • Mantle
    • Optimism
  7. Code ownership

Keywords: invisible wallet, ERC4337, instant frictionless onboarding, passkeys, smartphone secure enclave, secp256r1.


This project was developed as part of the ETHGlobal NY Hackathon. Wallet Abstraction offers seamless, one-click user onboarding using only a smartphone or a laptop, thanks to the advanced features of account abstraction with passkeys. Users can generate passkey credentials, set up their smart accounts, and even mint an NFT—all with a single click! The wallet remains completely invisible to the user.


What is demonstrated ?

A user take a picture of himself by clicking on the link, is asked to perform a biometric (touch/Face ID) authentication. The corresponding passkeys credentials are used as public key of the ERC4337, the picture is uploaded via IPFS, then the NFT is minted. All the fees are sponsored, the users doesn't see anything but a classic Web2 experience. An 4337-compliant account is automatically deployed for each useer.

How does it works ?

This project provides the best optimal UX OPTIMIZATION with a completely frictionless onboarding of a new user in a single click. It combines the use of our OSS solidity FCL library (secp256R1 best EVM implementation, presented at EthCC) to implement a FIDO/passkeys powered Userop. We combine it with Infinitism ERC4337 Entrypoint and a custom PayMaster to pay for the user fees, making it accessible to complete who do not know anything about crypto'. The implementation of the WebAuthnAccount.sol realizes this combination.

Why is it simple, efficient and secure ?

Passkeys is a current revolution of Web2 security. It will replace passwords management and the risks associated to it by robust ECC authentication as is an EoA. This revolution happens with the ERC-4337, and their combination will revolutionize accessibility and inclusivity to web3. With passkeys, the private key is stored in the secure enclave, which is hardened to withstand advanced attacks. As opposed to keys stored in the browser, they are stored securely. It also prevents from fishing, as passkeys are related to a website (the site of the dApp). The solidity verification uses FCL, implementing EVM dedicated formulas. For the hackaton sake, the version without precomputations is used. The most efficient verification function runs in 69K gas. See https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/939 for cryptographical details.



Once in the Contracts folder, set your environement variables and then:

Deploy the entiere stack on Anvil

forge script script/DeployAllAnvil.s.sol --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --broadcast -vvv --rpc-url http://localhost:8545

Deploy the stack on networks that already have an EntryPoint contract

forge script script/Deploy4337FriendlyNetwork.s.sol --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --broadcast -vvv --rpc-url <RPC_URL>


In the Applications folder, use the .env.dist as an example for your .env and then:

docker-compose up -d

If you're using anvil as RPC, you'll have to add in your etc/hosts: host.docker.internal

then set the RPC environement variable of your .env to http://host.docker.internal:8545 and BUNDLER_UNSAFE to true.

The paymaster's owner is initially set to the contract deployer by default. Therefore, please remember to either assign the same address to the PAYMASTER_PK variable as the one used for deployment or use the transferOwnership function into the deployment script used.

Live contracts addresses

Here is the listing of the deployed contracts on the different networks.

It can be checked that bytecodes are identical. Only Sepolia are verified. When we could we deployed at the same address the contracts with nonce starting at 0. Some network specificities or failures might shift the nonce.

  • WebAuthn: 0xeec23d5e9b75e12984228c8e2c9ae578744368e2
  • Wallet Factory: 0xd5534f16ebd32dcfc6282d1e66a32d1d0abfe569
  • Paymaster: 0xda470171feb4fd852433a7a7f67e3a3918a7a154
  • NFT Polaroid: 0xa848a42175f941ff7ebf8daab6b70cad60be2062


https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0xbbc76f5b09462e397fba811e1aaa738874bcd839 (verified) https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x019c256074d423a7dc157d9d9a72d16bcf47d301 https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0xa85db95b58bad349e8b6fe00340aeb53d0c9566f https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x97d6f9fe747377a6164426b89d3c32fe87da8dde

Polygon Mumbai PoS:

  • WebAuthn: https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0xeec23d5e9b75e12984228c8e2c9ae578744368e2
  • Wallet Factory: https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0xd5534f16ebd32dcfc6282d1e66a32d1d0abfe569
  • Paymaster: https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0xda470171feb4fd852433a7a7f67e3a3918a7a154
  • NFT Polaroid: https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0xa848a42175f941ff7ebf8daab6b70cad60be2062

Polygon zkEVM Testnet:

  • WebAuthn: https://testnet-zkevm.polygonscan.com/address/0xeec23d5e9b75e12984228c8e2c9ae578744368e2
  • Wallet Factory: https://testnet-zkevm.polygonscan.com/address/0xd5534f16ebd32dcfc6282d1e66a32d1d0abfe569
  • Paymaster: https://testnet-zkevm.polygonscan.com/address/0xda470171feb4fd852433a7a7f67e3a3918a7a154
  • NFT Polaroid: https://testnet-zkevm.polygonscan.com/address/0xa848a42175f941ff7ebf8daab6b70cad60be2062


(canonical addresses)

0xEeC23D5e9B75E12984228c8E2C9AE578744368e2 https://explorer.goerli.linea.build/address/0xd5534f16EBD32DCFC6282D1e66A32d1d0abfE569 https://explorer.goerli.linea.build/address/0xdA470171FeB4fd852433a7A7f67e3A3918a7A154 https://explorer.goerli.linea.build/address/0xa848A42175f941FF7EbF8DaAB6b70cad60Be2062


Nota: It was necessary to deploy an EntryPoint on the network, thus the nonce was shifted as the network didn't supported the EIP-4337.

https://stylus-testnet-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xa848A42175f941FF7EbF8DaAB6b70cad60Be2062 https://stylus-testnet-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xdA470171FeB4fd852433a7A7f67e3A3918a7A154 https://stylus-testnet-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0xd5534f16EBD32DCFC6282D1e66A32d1d0abfE569 https://stylus-testnet-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x29147591F22Df4A47cb165fcc3aa289470F02cF4 https://stylus-testnet-explorer.arbitrum.io/address/0x187488B375eb65a2254e4e36Cc7098138073ED5f


(canonical addresses) https://sepolia-blockscout.scroll.io/address/0xa848A42175f941FF7EbF8DaAB6b70cad60Be2062


(canonical addresses) https://explorer.celo.org/alfajores/address/0xA099BA0dAe1f54f1Fd7238bd9d6885Af2427A28C/transactions#address-tabs


(2 extra transactions due to network congestion) https://testnet.mantlescan.org/address/0xa099ba0dae1f54f1fd7238bd9d6885af2427a28c


Deployer: https://goerli-optimism.etherscan.io/address/0xa099ba0dae1f54f1fd7238bd9d6885af2427a28c

Contract Deployed:

  • WebAuthn: https://goerli-optimism.etherscan.io/address/0xeec23d5e9b75e12984228c8e2c9ae578744368e2
  • Wallet Factory: https://goerli-optimism.etherscan.io/address/0xd5534f16ebd32dcfc6282d1e66a32d1d0abfe569
  • Paymaster: https://goerli-optimism.etherscan.io/address/0xda470171feb4fd852433a7a7f67e3a3918a7a154
  • NFT Polaroid: https://goerli-optimism.etherscan.io/address/0xa848a42175f941ff7ebf8daab6b70cad60be2062

Code ownership

  • This file Contracts/src/Lib/secp256r1.sol has been taken from the implementation of @rdubois-crypto in the FCL library (https://github.com/rdubois-crypto/FreshCryptoLib)
  • This file Contracts/src/Lib/WebAuthn256r1.sol is highly inspired by the work of @btchip. It has been adapted and improved.
  • The bundler used in this project (here:Applications/bundler) has been developed by @drortirosh. It has been updated for our specific needs

Everything else has been developed by our team.