qb-radialmenu copied to clipboard
qb-radialmenu/client/clothing.lua #697 local Extras = { ['Shirt'] = { Drawable = 11, Table = { Standalone = true, male = 252, female = 194, Extra = { { Drawable = 8, Id = 15, Tex = 0, Name = 'Extra Undershirt' }, -- male ? { Drawable = 3, Id = 15, Tex = 0, Name = 'Extra Gloves' }, -- female ? { Drawable = 10, Id = 0, Tex = 0, Name = 'Extra Decals' }, } }, Emote = { Dict = 'clothingtie', Anim = 'try_tie_negative_a', Move = 51, Dur = 1200 } },
This part is wrontg, because if you want to setup indershirt for male 15 and female 6, it will change for both of characters.