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Help with permissions on cfg
Does anyone know how permissions can be reset for different administrative groups? Suppose the mod group can use /tpm inside the server
What should I edit in the cfg to allow that command?
You can set them as a principal of the desired rank and then for each of the commands you'll see like
end, 'god') or end, 'admin') <- the rank there in quotes is what they'd have access to depending on what they are set as in the cfg
add_ace resource.qb-core command allow # Allow qb-core to execute commands
add_ace qbcore.god command allow # Allow all commands add_ace qbcore.mod "tpm" allow # allow use tpm to mod rank
add_principal qbcore.god group.admin # Allow gods access to the main admin group used to get all default permissions add_principal qbcore.god qbcore.admin # Allow gods access to admin commands add_principal qbcore.admin qbcore.mod # Allow admins access to mod commands add_principal qbcore.mod # Allow admins access to mod commands
Add system admins
add_ace group.admin command.quit deny # but don't allow quit add_principal identifier.license:####################### group.mod
I have tried this and I have put my identifier and the group.mod and in the same way I cannot use the /tpm command despite the fact that it has been detailed in the cfg that this command is allowed for the mod group.
Sorry but I don't understand anything xd
That's not how you do it, just add yourself as a principal for the rank you want and modify the commands to the level you want
I think something is missing because I have done what you have told me in this way
add_principal identifier.license:aa1c5cc05e88322f2ad4a803e3b9b00dffaaab43 group.mod
and i put in commands.lua into qb-core the /tpm command to 'mod' and i cannot use it ...
Update your core and try again
hi admin.. how to set permission access QBConfig.Server.Closed = false -- Set server closed (no one can join except people with ace permission 'qbadmin.join'). when i true .. i cant join server . but i already put add_principal identifier.license:xxxxxx qbcore.admin
I think something is missing because I have done what you have told me in this way
add_principal identifier.license:aa1c5cc05e88322f2ad4a803e3b9b00dffaaab43 group.mod
and i put in commands.lua into qb-core the /tpm command to 'mod' and i cannot use it ...
try adding fivem identifier works good for me add_principal identifier.fivem:2313548 group.mod #someusername
hi admin.. how to set permission access QBConfig.Server.Closed = false -- Set server closed (no one can join except people with ace permission 'qbadmin.join'). when i true .. i cant join server . but i already put add_principal identifier.license:xxxxxx qbcore.admin
Go to resources/[qb]/qb-core/server/events.lua
go to around line 30 and change this,
if QBCore.Config.Server.Closed then
if not IsPlayerAceAllowed(src, 'command') then -- <-- this is a other check, so you as admin or god can still connect
--if not IsPlayerAceAllowed(src, 'qbadmin.join') then -- uncommand this if statement
this is this a temp fix but it works :)