`:messages` doesn't gives any output
I just used a clean config: ``` " Plugins call plug#begin('~/.config/plugged') Plug 'alaviss/nim.nvim' call plug#end() ```
My bad. Param `seconds` is still required. Works fine.
```nim import schedules, times, os schedules: every(seconds=0, milliseconds=5, id="tick", throttle=30): echo("tick ", now()) sleep(5000) ``` Seems that it randomly compiles and randomly fails with `DivByZeroDefect`
I got it finally running with calling `EnumWindows` from the win32 api. Anyway I would prefer a native pixel way.
#234 is great and works how it should be but a win32 layered window lets you interact through the window itself. [Example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2js1YMyeiBk) Not sure if thats something which glfw supports...
Yes `aob_scan` returns the first address which is found currently. This will be changed in the future.
Hey, thank you. PyMeow does support 32bit processes (e.g.: https://github.com/qb-0/PyMeow/blob/master/examples/ac_esp.py). The compiled releases are just compiled in x64 so they're just importable from a x64 python binary as well.
I see. Theoretically you're able to compile a 32bit build with the compiler switch `i386` on the [config](https://github.com/qb-0/PyMeow/blob/master/pymeow.nim.cfg#L5). My first tries are failing caused by type conversions. I probably messed...
Duplicate of #2 Please recheck your graphic drivers and reopen if you can't solve it.