Pierre Chrzanowski
Pierre Chrzanowski
Issues: 1: the name of the website `Open Data for Resilience Index` is too long and its acronym is similar to Open Data for Resilience Initiative. 2: the logo is...
To be discussed and define
- [ ] Logo is low resolution ; - [ ] Horizontal bar charts for scores all same position ; See screenshot: 
Suggestion of wiki categories: * List of open data criteria (one page for each): document and discuss relevance of this open data criteria for instance by adding best practices example,...
Registration and login/logout are still not fluid enough. Those are the first features a user is going to encounter with the Index, so we need to have them as fluid...
Scenario: User submit several dataset for the same key dataset but can only see one. Browser version: IE11 or Chrome 
1. Ask all profile information in the registration page (Title, First name, Last name, E-mail (*), Institution, Username (*), Password (8 characters min) (*), Password confirmation (*) ) and does...
It may be necessary to update the legal information based on feedback from DGO and the Legal department. To be updated.