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Parallel projection spoils plot
Describe the bug, what's wrong, and what you expected.
I'm plotting the internal structure of an idealized wingbox, made by ribs and stiffeners. The former are made by Plane
objects parallel to the xz plane, the latter are made by Plane
objects parallel to the yz plane.
When I plot the merged PolyData
object I obtain the following image.
This representation is correct, as the bottom stiffeners (the longitudinal elements running through the ribs) are not visible behind the ribs.
However, if I enable parallel projection, I obtain the following plot.
As you can see now the bottom stiffeners appear to permeate the ribs, which is wrong.
Why does this happen? The stiffeners should always "stop" at each rib and be invisible for the portion that's behind each rib.
Steps to reproduce the bug.
import numpy as np
import pyvista
l = 29.38e3 # [mm] box beam length
w = 3.41e3 # [mm] box beam width
h = 0.77e3 # [mm] box beam height
stiffeners_height = h/10 # [mm] stiffeners height
no_stiffeners = 2 # number of stiffeners
stiffeners_x_locations = np.linspace(0, w, no_stiffeners + 2)[1:-1] # [mm] stiffeners x-coordinates
stiffeners_spacing = w/(no_stiffeners + 1) # [mm] stiffeners spacing
ribs_spacing = stiffeners_spacing*1.4 # [mm] ribs spacing
no_ribs = round(l/ribs_spacing) + 1 # number of ribs
ribs_y_locations = np.linspace(0, l, no_ribs) # [mm] ribs y-coordinates
# Set transparent background
pyvista.global_theme.transparent_background = True
# Initialize lists of the PolyData objects corresponding to the stiffeners
top_stiffeners = []
bottom_stiffeners = []
# Iterate through the x-coordinates of the stiffeners, except last one
for count, x in enumerate(stiffeners_x_locations):
# Discretize top stiffener
top_stiffeners.append(pyvista.Plane(center=[x, l/2, h/2 - stiffeners_height/2], direction=[1, 0, 0], i_size=stiffeners_height, j_size=l,
i_resolution=1, j_resolution=1))
# Discretize bottom stiffener
bottom_stiffeners.append(pyvista.Plane(center=[x, l/2, -h/2 + stiffeners_height/2], direction=[1, 0, 0], i_size=stiffeners_height,
j_size=l, i_resolution=1, j_resolution=1))
# Initialize lists of the PolyData objects corresponding to the box segments and to the ribs
ribs = []
rib_segments_x_coordinates = np.concatenate(([0.], stiffeners_x_locations, [w])) # create array of the x-coordiantes defining the rib segments
rib_segments_widths = np.ediff1d(rib_segments_x_coordinates) # calculate the width of each rib segment
# Iterate through the y-coordinates of the rib, except last one
for y in ribs_y_locations:
# Discretize current rib and add PolyData object to the list
ribs = ribs + [pyvista.Plane(center=[w/2, y, 0], direction=[0, 1, 0], i_size=h, j_size=w, i_resolution=1, j_resolution=1)]
# Merge all box segments and ribs together
merged_parts = bottom_stiffeners[0].merge(bottom_stiffeners[1:] + top_stiffeners + ribs)
pl = pyvista.Plotter(notebook=True, window_size=[4000, 4000])
pl.add_mesh(merged_parts, show_edges=True, line_width=5) = 80
pl.enable_parallel_projection() # comment or uncomment to obtain the different results
System Information
Date: Wed May 15 21:55:25 2024 GMT Summer Time
OS : Windows
CPU(s) : 12
Machine : AMD64
Architecture : 64bit
RAM : 63.8 GiB
Environment : Jupyter
GPU Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
GPU Renderer : NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030/PCIe/SSE2
GPU Version : 4.5.0 NVIDIA 536.23
MathText Support : False
Python 3.9.17 (main, Jul 5 2023, 20:47:11) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
pyvista : 0.43.3
vtk : 9.0.3
numpy : 1.23.5
matplotlib : 3.7.1
scooby : 0.7.1
pooch : Trouble importing
pillow : 9.4.0
imageio : 2.26.0
pyvistaqt : 0.9.1
PyQt5 : 5.15.7
IPython : 8.10.0
ipywidgets : 8.0.4
scipy : 1.10.0
nest_asyncio : 1.5.6
Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library Version 2021.4-Product Build 20210904
for Intel(R) 64 architecture applications
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