sparqles icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sparqles copied to clipboard

SPARQL Endpoint Status

SPARQL Endpoint Status


SPARQL Endpoint Status project aims at monitoring SPARQL Endpoints based on 4 aspects:

  • Discoverability analyses how SPARQL endpoints can be located, what meta-data are available for them, etc.
  • Interoperability identifies which features of SPARQL 1.0 and SPARQL 1.1 standards are supported by an endpoint
  • Performance measures generic performance aspects such as result-streaming, atomic lookups and simple-joins over a HTTP connection.
  • Availability monitors the uptimes of a SPARQL endpoint.

Directory structure

-node/ (frontend code based on NodeJS technology)
-sampleData/ (sample data to populate MongoDB for setting up or testing purposes)
-scripts/ (shell scripts used to run global operations such as dumping the data)
-src/ (backend Java code used to monitor the SPARQL Endpoints)

Deploying the application


In order to run both backend and frontend of SPARQLES application you need to install the following programs:

  • Java (tested with version 1.7)
  • MongoDB (tested with version 2.4.9)
  • NodeJS (tested with version 0.12.4)
  • npm

Get the code from GitHub:

Loading sample data

For you to test the frontend, you can load the sample data provided in the sampleData folder. Use mongorestore command to load the unzipped data into a database named sparqles.

Running the frontend

Make sure the sparqles database is present in MongoDB and populated. You can now run the frontend by executing the following command:

cd node
npm install
node ./app.js

You should see the following message:

Express server listening on port 3001

You can then access your application at the following URL: http://localhost:3001/

Running the backend

  • Git clone the project.
  • Copy the cloned folder under Eclipse "workspace" and then run "create project" using that path (make sure the folder is in your workspace otherwise Eclipse complains)
  • Install Maven plugin for Eclipse to handle dependencies
  • Once plugin installed, select Configure>Convert to Maven Project
  • That's it, you should be able to run from command line using these arguments: SPARQLES -p src/main/resources/ -h


SPARQLES code and dataset are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.