vision copied to clipboard
Fixed error when downloading dataset
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:x: 3 New Failures
As of commit 33b4383b87de098f6a00cbf4e808cee2ae9b0095 with merge base 89d2b38cbc3254ed7ed7b43393e4635979ac12eb ():
NEW FAILURES - The following jobs have failed:
Build Linux Conda / pytorch/vision / upload / conda-py3_8-cuda12_1 (gh)
Unable to find an artifact with the name: pytorch_vision__3.8_cu121_
Build Windows Conda / pytorch/vision / upload / conda-py3_8-cpu (gh)
Unable to find an artifact with the name: pytorch_vision__3.8_cpu_
Lint / python-types / linux-job (gh)
RuntimeError: Command docker exec -t 307ee8bd36dddcf9d2434b808f17f7e08d1047ae5ad331a3ba8090f791aca8b2 /exec failed with exit code 1
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Hi @claudemircasa!
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Thanks for the PR @claudemircasa . It looks like the 2 existing mirrors are up and running - what was the download issue you were experiencing?