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Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration

Results 1439 pytorch issues
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Today in PyTorch there are a variety of logging and warning types, facilities and feature requests. A partial list: - determinism warnings, controlled with [set_deterministic_debug_mode]( - deprecation warnings, which rely...

module: logging

`derivatives.yaml` can now take a `dispatch` entry which registers per-autograd dispatch key derivatives such as ``` name: foo(Tensor self, Tensor y) -> Tensor dispatch: default: x: grad y: grad.expand(y.sizes()) AutogradNestedTensor:...

cla signed

### Description When someone cancels a PR merge, it's not apparent that it's canceled unless the user clicks into that job. In this PR, we add a message if the...

cla signed

### 🐛 Describe the bug [File]( In an RL workflow, when I use CUDA, JIT, and a LayerNorm together in this script, I get the following error ```python /home/david/Documents/GitHub/cleanoc/cleanrl/ UserWarning:...

oncall: jit
module: nvfuser

Today, when doing `t.grad_fn.register_hook(foo)`, this registers a post hook on the Node corresponding to `t.grad_fn`. There is no API to add a pre-hook and we should add one. Adding a...

module: autograd

### 🐛 Describe the bug Over the past day, this job has been failing randomly after 20 minutes for memory issues. We are now disabling it in #82862 until this...

module: cpp
module: ci

In the context of AOTAutograd, we want to be able to use anomaly mode to enhance the backward graph with information about the forward's stack trace. Such information can be...

module: autograd

### 🐛 Describe the bug In exporter, there is a onnx.shape_inference_infer_shapes checker before exporting, but it is not using strict_mode as onnxruntime does before executing the model, so the discrepancy...

module: onnx

Following and, this would be part 3 of the effort to reduce code duplication in the code that lowers reference quantized patterns to native quantized ops in fbgemm/qnnpack....

Fixes: Stack from [ghstack]( * **#82975 [DataLoader] BC shuffle for MapDataPipe** * #82974 [DataPipe] Align shuffling behavior for IterDataPipe and MapDataPipe Add shuffling logic for `MapDataPipe` when using `DataLoader`

cla signed