functorch copied to clipboard
Output with shape [shape_1, shape_2] does not match the broadcast shape [batch. shape_1, shape_2]
I want to use vamp to batch calculate the matrix inverse by Neumann method(a iteration method), like $matrix^{-1} \approx \sum_{k}[I-matrix]^{k}, k \to \infty$. But when I use the following code to calculate a batch matrix [20, 640 640] to get its matrix_inverse, I get the following error.
this is my code: `
def Neumann(matrix, times=100):
ans = torch.eye(matrix.shape[0]).cuda()
multipler = ans - matrix
temp = torch.eye(matrix.shape[0]).cuda()
result = torch.zeros_like(temp).cuda()
for steps in range(times):
result += temp
temp =
del ans
del multipler
del temp
return result
def get_single_inverse(matrix):
return Neumann(matrix=matrix)
batch_get_inverse = vmap(get_single_inverse)
total_lenth = partial_xx_tensor.shape[0]
batch_numbers = math.ceil(total_lenth / mini_batch)
partial_xx_inv_list = [batch_get_inverse(partial_xx_tensor[dex * mini_batch : min((dex + 1) * mini_batch, total_lenth)]) for dex in range(batch_numbers)]
I want to use the "batch_get_inverse" to batch get the matrix inverse, where the partial_xx_tensor is like [2000, 604, 640], I split this tensor into mini_batch such as [20, 640, 640] to get the inverse.
Thank you very much !!
@xmser thanks for the issue. I'm trying to run the repro above -- what is the value of mini_batch
and what is the shape of partial_xx_tensor