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Test failures

Open samuela opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

I'm observing a number of test suite failures:


all fail with errors of the form

_______ TestFuncTorchLaggingOpDbCPU.test_coverage_bernoulli_cpu_float32 ________

self = <test_functorch_lagging_op_db.TestFuncTorchLaggingOpDbCPU testMethod=test_coverage_bernoulli_cpu_float32>
device = 'cpu', dtype = torch.float32
op = <torch.testing._internal.common_methods_invocations.OpInfo object at 0x7ffee1c80700>

    @ops(op_db, allowed_dtypes=(torch.float,))
    def test_coverage(self, device, dtype, op):
        if in_functorch_lagging_op_db(op):
>       raise RuntimeError(
            f"{(, op.variant_test_name)} is in PyTorch's OpInfo db ",
            "but is not in functorch's OpInfo db. Please regenerate ",
            "test/ and add the new tests to ",
            "denylists if necessary.")
E       RuntimeError: ("('bernoulli', '') is in PyTorch's OpInfo db ", "but is not in functorch's OpInfo db. Please regenerate ", 'test/ and add the new tests to ', 'denylists if necessary.')

test/ RuntimeError



fails with

___ TestFuncTorchLaggingOpDbCPU.test_functorch_lagging_op_db_has_opinfos_cpu ___

self = <test_functorch_lagging_op_db.TestFuncTorchLaggingOpDbCPU testMethod=test_functorch_lagging_op_db_has_opinfos_cpu>
device = 'cpu'

    def test_functorch_lagging_op_db_has_opinfos(self, device):
>       self.assertEqual(len(functorch_lagging_op_db), len(op_db))
E       AssertionError: Scalars are not equal!
E       Absolute difference: 19
E       Relative difference: 0.03525046382189239

test/ AssertionError

There are a handful of other errors regarding PyTorch not being compiled with LLVM support, but I suspect that those are due to my particular PyTorch package.

What do I need to do to get the test suite running successfully?

samuela avatar May 26 '22 09:05 samuela

@samuela Do you have latest nightly pytorch version ? I'd say you can skip coverage tests unless it is important for your work...

vfdev-5 avatar May 26 '22 10:05 vfdev-5

Those test are actually expected to fail, they are there to remind us that we need to sync our testing database with PyTorch's testing database :/. I should make this clearer somewhere and/or just remove these from the test directory

zou3519 avatar May 26 '22 14:05 zou3519

Thanks for clarifying @vfdev-5 and @zou3519! I'll just disable the failing tests for now.

@samuela Do you have latest nightly pytorch version ? I'd say you can skip coverage tests unless it is important for your work...

I'm using pytorch 1.11.0. I'm packaging functorch for Nixpkgs atm (, and we don't have pytorch nightly packaged in Nixpkgs for better or worse. Is LLVM support only in nightly?

samuela avatar May 26 '22 22:05 samuela

I'm using pytorch 1.11.0. I'm packaging functorch for Nixpkgs atm (, and we don't have pytorch nightly packaged in Nixpkgs for better or worse. Is LLVM support only in nightly?

@samuela I do not know exactly how built pytorch binaries with respect to LLVM. Maybe, here you can find more info:

I was checking if LLVM is enabled in 1.11 or nightly binaries and seems like it is enabled:

import torch
print(torch.__version__, torch._C._llvm_enabled())
# ('1.11.0', True)
# ('1.12.0.dev20220511+cu113', True)

By the way, functorch <-> pytorch compatibility is that : v0.1.1 <==> 1.11.0 and functorch source <==> pytorch nightly

vfdev-5 avatar May 27 '22 10:05 vfdev-5

Thanks for explaining @vfdev-5! I'm also building pytorch from source, so I'll have to dig into that some more to figure out what's going on...

samuela avatar May 30 '22 05:05 samuela