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Recommended way to shuffle intra and inter archives?
Say I have a bunch of archives containing samples. In my case each archive is a pickle file containing a list of samples, but it could be a tar or something else.
I want to shuffle between archives (inter) and within archives (intra). My current way of doing it is below. Is there a more canonical solution?
from torchdata.dataloader2 import DataLoader2, adapter
from torchdata.datapipes.iter import IterDataPipe, FileLister, IterableWrapper
from pathlib import Path
import pickle
# Create archives
root = Path("/tmp/dataset/")
with open(root / "1.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(list(range(10)), f)
with open(root / "2.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(list(range(10, 20)), f)
class PickleLoaderDataPipe(IterDataPipe):
def __init__(self, source_datapipe):
self.source_datapipe = source_datapipe
def __iter__(self):
for path in self.source_datapipe:
with open(path, "rb") as f:
yield pickle.load(f) # <- this is a list
class ConcaterIterable(IterDataPipe):
# Same as unbatch(), kinda
def __init__(self, source_datapipe):
self.source_datapipe = source_datapipe
def __iter__(self):
for iterable in self.source_datapipe:
yield from iterable
def intra_archive_shuffle(archive_content):
return IterableWrapper(archive_content).shuffle()
dp = FileLister(str(root), masks=["*.pkl"])
dp = dp.shuffle() # inter-archive shuffling
dp = PickleLoaderDataPipe(dp)
dp =
dp = ConcaterIterable(dp) # Note: unbatch doesn't work because it's a datapipe of datapipes
Also, I don't know if this is normal or if there is a problem with DataLoader2
, but if I call shuffle().set_shuffle(False)
(like we do in torchvision), then the datapipe doesn't get properly shuffled: only the intra-archive shuffling happens:
# same as before, just calling `.set_shuffle(False)` to avoid shuffling by default
def intra_archive_shuffle(archive_content):
return IterableWrapper(archive_content).shuffle().set_shuffle(False)
dp = FileLister(str(root), masks=["*.pkl"])
dp = dp.shuffle().set_shuffle(False)
dp = PickleLoaderDataPipe(dp)
dp =
dp = ConcaterIterable(dp) # Note: unbatch doesn't work because it's a datapipe of datapipes
dl = DataLoader2(dp, datapipe_adapter_fn=adapter.Shuffle())
The result will only ever be:
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
OK so regarding the use of shuffle().set_shuffle(False)
in the message above, the problem comes from traverse()
{ConcaterIterable: {MapperIterDataPipe: {PickleLoaderDataPipe: {ShufflerIterDataPipe: {FileListerIterDataPipe: {IterableWrapperIterDataPipe: {}}}}}}}
The intra-archive shufflers are "hidden" by the MapperIterDataPipe
, and so they are not re-activated by the adapter.
There's probably nothing traverse()
can do here... Or maybe there is? @VitalyFedyunin would you like me to open a more specific issue to keep track of this particular issue?
I wonder what it means w.r.t. to users code though. A few outstanding questions on my side:
- Do we need to tell users to never create datapipes in a call to
? - Are there other blind spots like this one?
- Going back to my initial question from this post, since my snippet doesn't actually work: What is a good canonical way to shuffle intra and inter archives? 😅
Do we need to tell users to never create datapipes in a call to map()?
The problem is more general in that it applies to any kind of wrapper that generates a datapipe, not just to a Mapper
. For example the solution below still has the exact same problem because the Shuffler
instances are hidden within the PickleLoaderDataPipe
class PickleLoaderDataPipe(IterDataPipe):
def __init__(self, source_datapipe):
self.source_datapipe = source_datapipe
def __iter__(self):
for path in self.source_datapipe:
with open(path, "rb") as f:
yield IterableWrapper(pickle.load(f)).shuffle().set_shuffle(False) # <- shuffling won't work
What is a good canonical way to shuffle intra and inter archives?
I think the best way is to use in_batch_shuffle
. Though we need to add further randomness control to it if we want it to be enabled/disabled.
cc: @ejguan
The problem is more general in that it applies to any kind of wrapper that generates a datapipe, not just to a
. For example the solution below still has the exact same problem because theShuffler
instances are hidden within thePickleLoaderDataPipe
I feel like this is not solvable by traverse
function. I think we should DataPipe as a static graph of operations. The PickleLoader
adds DataPipe in the runtime, which makes torchdata
no way to track the DAG.
I think question here is how big is the pickled data. If it fits memory nicely (I presume it just have too, due to the Pickle nature) the best case would be to shuffle list using standard python functions:
import random
def intra_archive_shuffle(archive_content):
return archive_content
Also in_batch_shuffle does exactly this so it is preferable way. Note: It is not sensitive to shuffle enables/disables, let us know if it is the issue.
If in other case (let say you are using tar or any other stream unpacks), it is better to yield item by item and use multiple instances of the shuffle
dp = FileLister(str(root), masks=["*.pkl"])
dp = dp.shuffle().set_shuffle(False)
dp = PickleLoaderDataPipe(dp)
dp = dp.shuffle() # yes again, play with buffer size here
Now I can see where DataPipes of DataPipes is comming from, and want to note that it is anti-pattern for DP graphs and we should include linter for it.
Thanks a lot everyone for your input!
dp = dp.shuffle() # yes again, play with buffer size here
Ah that's a great idea, if we set buffer_size=archive_size
it should do what I want to do (shuffling is a tiny bit different but it doesn't matter, it's actually better). However, we would need to know the size of the archives, which might be tricky / cumbersome in general?
Looks like in_batch_shuffle
would be a good alternative, however I do need the ability to disable shuffling because the same code-path would be used for the training sets (shuffle enabled) and the tests sets (shuffle disabled).
Looks like
would be a good alternative, however I do need the ability to disable shuffling because the same code-path would be used for the training sets (shuffle enabled) and the tests sets (shuffle disabled).
Yeah. This is one of TODOs on top of my lists. I need to align in_batch_shuffle
with shuffle
in terms of API.
Edit: shuffle_setting
should also respect those two types of DataPipe