background_removal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
background_removal copied to clipboard

Project for face detection, face recognition, pencil sketch, animegan in image, video or real-time stream

Background removal with Python

All this repository is for learning purposes. I cover here how simple is to remove background from selfie view just like Zoom, Google Meets, Skype, and MS Teams.

Installation on Windows:

  • Clone this repository. (don't forget to Star it)
  • Install virtual environment: python -m venv venv
  • Activate virtual environment: venv\Scripts\activate
  • Install all the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • (Optional if have Nvidia GPU): install onnxruntime with GPU support: pip install onnxruntime-gpu

How to run basic background removal:

At this point, when you are looking at this project, I might be already updated this project with more features, but if you want only to run a quick test on your own webcam replace the code with the following:

from utils import FPSmetric
from selfieSegmentation import MPSegmentations
from engine import Engine

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fpsMetric = FPSmetric()
    segmentationModule = MPSegmentations(threshold=0.3, bg_images_path='', bg_blur_ratio=(45, 45))
    selfieSegmentation = Engine(webcam_id=0, show=True, custom_objects=[segmentationModule, fpsMetric])

You can run it by typing python in a terminal.

Run basic MediaPipe face detection:

from utils import FPSmetric
from faceDetection import MPFaceDetection
from engine import Engine

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fpsMetric = FPSmetric()
    mpFaceDetector = MPFaceDetection() 
    selfieSegmentation = Engine(webcam_id=0, show=True, custom_objects=[mpFaceDetector, fpsMetric])

You can run it by typing python in a terminal.

Test "Pencil" sketch with Python on saved image:

from pencilSketch import PencilSketch
from engine import Engine

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    pencilSketch = PencilSketch(blur_simga=5)
    selfieSegmentation = Engine(image_path='data/porche.jpg', show=True, custom_objects=[pencilSketch])

You can run it by typing python in a terminal.

Test facial recognition example on webcam stream

from utils import FPSmetric
from engine import Engine
from faceDetection import MPFaceDetection
from faceNet.faceNet import FaceNet

if __name__ == '__main__':
    facenet = FaceNet(
        detector = MPFaceDetection(),
        onnx_model_path = "models/faceNet.onnx", 
        anchors = "faces",
        force_cpu = True,
    engine = Engine(webcam_id=0, show=True, custom_objects=[facenet, FPSmetric()])

    # save first face crop as anchor, otherwise don't use
    while not facenet.detect_save_faces(engine.process_webcam(return_frame=True), output_dir="faces"):

You can run it by typing python in a terminal.

Test AnimeGAN effect with python on webcam stream:

from engine import Engine
from animegan import AnimeGAN

if __name__ == '__main__':
    animegan = AnimeGAN("models/Hayao_64.onnx")
    engine = Engine(webcam_id=0, show=True, custom_objects=[animegan])

You can run it by typing python in a terminal.

Detailed Tutorials: