python-gssapi icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
python-gssapi copied to clipboard

RFE: provide manylinux binary wheel package

Open ktdreyer opened this issue 4 months ago • 5 comments

(This is an RFE, not a bug report.)

pip install requests-gssapi pulls in gssapi, and gssapi depends on several development libraries being available. On Fedora and RHEL, it requires gcc, krb5-devel, and the relevant python3-devel package (eg. python3.11-devel if using the python3.11 stack).

In CI containers, we try to keep the installed libraries to a minimum.

Looks like you already ship precompiled wheel files for Mac and Windows. Would you consider doing the same for Linux? ( is a good example of doing this.)

ktdreyer avatar Apr 22 '24 21:04 ktdreyer