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Python Library for parsing Tiled Map Editor maps.

Results 9 pytiled_parser issues
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In order for type-checkers to know that this package is type-annotated, it needs to include a `py.typed` marker file, as outlined in [PEP 561]( Is there a reason this is...

Very simple change, because Tiled use black, not white, when no color is set for a text.

A very very small amount of work has been done on adding a programming guide to the docs. This should cover the general intended use of pytiled-parser, loading a map,...

good first issue

Docs are currently being re-worked and using mkdocs. The autogenerated API docs are also being re-done as part of this. Currently the docstrings themselves are about half way to being...

good first issue

In Tiled 1.8 the ability to create custom property types was added, this feature was further expanded on in the Tiled 1.9 update. You can read more about the feature...


Currently we are only capable of accepting a file path to parse the map. Instead we should add the ability to pass an already parsed JSON, or a raw JSON...

good first issue

As part of the documentation re-work some examples could be useful. We don’t really need an example for Arcade since it has its own wrapper, but it should be easy...

good first issue

As reported in when an infinite map is loaded, the data is stored differently using chunks as opposed to the normal `data` array you would see in a finite...


A big part of the re-work for 2.0 was separating parsing from the API definition. This is what enabled support for TMX to come in 2.0, but also was the...
