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Make asyncio.Task covariant
See my comment on the mypy issue, I think making Future covariant is unsound
Will it still work by making Task covariant and Future not?
Thanks @hauntsaninja, I missed that method. We can't make Task covariant either, because Task.set_result
would still be unsafe.
Task.set_result always raises, so I think you could get away with that.
Indeed, docs says:
Task inherits from Future all of its APIs except Future.set_result() and Future.set_exception().
Diff from mypy_primer, showing the effect of this PR on open source code:
anyio (https://github.com/agronholm/anyio)
+ src/anyio/_backends/_asyncio.py:807: error: No return value expected [return-value]
websockets (https://github.com/aaugustin/websockets)
+ src/websockets/__main__.py:129: error: Need type annotation for "message"
python-chess (https://github.com/niklasf/python-chess)
+ chess/engine.py:2833: error: Need type annotation for "returncode"
tornado (https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado)
+ tornado/gen.py:527: error: Need type annotation for "result_list" (hint: "result_list: List[<type>] = ...")
+ tornado/gen.py:769: error: Need type annotation for "value"
+ tornado/tcpclient.py:138: error: Need type annotation for "stream"
+ tornado/tcpclient.py:261: error: Need type annotation for "addrinfo"
+ tornado/tcpclient.py:275: error: <nothing> object is not iterable
+ tornado/tcpclient.py:281: error: Need type annotation for "stream"
+ tornado/tcpclient.py:283: error: Cannot determine type of "stream"
+ tornado/auth.py:143: error: Need type annotation for "resp"
+ tornado/auth.py:329: error: Need type annotation for "response"
+ tornado/auth.py:377: error: Need type annotation for "response"
+ tornado/auth.py:659: error: Need type annotation for "response"
+ tornado/auth.py:734: error: Need type annotation for "response"
+ tornado/auth.py:807: error: Need type annotation for "response"
+ tornado/auth.py:940: error: Need type annotation for "response"
+ tornado/test/asyncio_test.py:62: error: Need type annotation for "x"
+ tornado/test/gen_test.py:384: error: Need type annotation for "result"
jax (https://github.com/google/jax)
+ jax/experimental/gda_serialization/serialization.py:54: error: Need type annotation for "local_arrays" [var-annotated]
+ jax/experimental/gda_serialization/serialization.py:75: error: Need type annotation for "local_arrays" [var-annotated]
Tanjun (https://github.com/FasterSpeeding/Tanjun)
+ tanjun/hooks.py:301: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ tanjun/dependencies/reloaders.py:228: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ tanjun/dependencies/reloaders.py:229: error: Cannot determine type of "py_paths" [has-type]
+ tanjun/dependencies/reloaders.py:230: error: Cannot determine type of "sys_paths" [has-type]
+ tanjun/dependencies/reloaders.py:267: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ tanjun/dependencies/reloaders.py:268: error: Cannot determine type of "path" [has-type]
+ tanjun/dependencies/reloaders.py:268: error: Cannot determine type of "info" [has-type]
+ tanjun/dependencies/reloaders.py:433: error: Need type annotation for "scan_result" [var-annotated]
- tanjun/dependencies/reloaders.py:466: error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", variable has type "Path") [assignment]
- tanjun/dependencies/reloaders.py:469: error: Invalid index type "Path" for "Dict[str, _PyPathInfo]"; expected type "str" [index]
+ tanjun/parsing.py:476: error: Need type annotation for "values" [var-annotated]
+ tanjun/clients.py:2420: error: Need type annotation for "paths" [var-annotated]
+ tanjun/clients.py:2510: error: Need type annotation for "module" [var-annotated]
+ tanjun/clients.py:2625: error: Need type annotation for "module" [var-annotated]
sublime_debugger (https://github.com/daveleroy/sublime_debugger)
+ modules/core/core.py:24: error: Return type "Generator[Any, None, T]" of "__await__" incompatible with return type "Generator[Any, None, _T]" in supertype "Future"
+ modules/core/core.py:27: error: Argument 1 of "set_result" is incompatible with supertype "Future"; supertype defines the argument type as "_T"
+ modules/core/core.py:27: note: This violates the Liskov substitution principle
+ modules/core/core.py:27: note: See https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/common_issues.html#incompatible-overrides
aioredis (https://github.com/aio-libs/aioredis)
+ aioredis/connection.py:1493: error: Need type annotation for "resp" [var-annotated]
+ aioredis/connection.py:1662: error: Need type annotation for "resp" [var-annotated]
aiortc (https://github.com/aiortc/aiortc)
+ src/aiortc/rtcrtpsender.py:283: error: <nothing> object is not iterable
+ src/aiortc/rtcpeerconnection.py:720: error: <nothing> has no attribute "__iter__" (not iterable)
mypy_primer (https://github.com/hauntsaninja/mypy_primer)
+ mypy_primer.py:267: error: <nothing> object is not iterable
+ mypy_primer.py:273: error: <nothing> object is not iterable
+ mypy_primer.py:274: error: Cannot determine type of "new_mypy"
+ mypy_primer.py:275: error: Cannot determine type of "old_mypy"
+ mypy_primer.py:277: error: Cannot determine type of "new_version"
+ mypy_primer.py:278: error: Cannot determine type of "old_version"
+ mypy_primer.py:280: error: Cannot determine type of "new_mypy"
+ mypy_primer.py:280: error: Cannot determine type of "old_mypy"
+ mypy_primer.py:415: error: <nothing> object is not iterable
+ mypy_primer.py:419: error: Cannot determine type of "new_result"
+ mypy_primer.py:419: error: Cannot determine type of "old_result"
+ mypy_primer.py:596: error: Need type annotation for "recent_mypy_exes"
+ mypy_primer.py:624: error: Need type annotation for "results"
+ mypy_primer.py:641: error: Need type annotation for "results" (hint: "results: List[<type>] = ...")
+ mypy_primer.py:670: error: Need type annotation for "results_fut"
+ mypy_primer.py:719: error: Need type annotation for "all_paths"
+ mypy_primer.py:753: error: Need type annotation for "result"
paasta (https://github.com/yelp/paasta)
+ paasta_tools/drain_lib.py:322: error: Need type annotation for "res"
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:276: error: Need type annotation for "status"
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:326: error: Need type annotation for "pods"
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:566: note: Maybe you forgot to use "await"?
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:601: note: Maybe you forgot to use "await"?
- paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:621: error: Argument "pod_status_by_sha_and_readiness_task" to "get_versions_for_controller_revisions" has incompatible type "Task[defaultdict[Tuple[str, str], defaultdict[bool, List[Future[Dict[str, Any]]]]]]"; expected "Future[Mapping[Tuple[str, str], Mapping[bool, Sequence[Future[Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]"
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:624: note: Maybe you forgot to use "await"?
- paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:640: error: Argument "pod_status_by_replicaset_task" to "get_versions_for_replicasets" has incompatible type "Task[Dict[str, List[Future[Dict[str, Any]]]]]"; expected "Future[Mapping[str, Sequence[Future[Dict[str, Any]]]]]"
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:643: note: Maybe you forgot to use "await"?
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:691: error: Need type annotation for "pods"
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:723: error: Need type annotation for "pod_status_by_replicaset"
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:724: error: Need type annotation for "versions"
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:784: error: Need type annotation for "pod_event_messages"
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:798: error: <nothing> has no attribute "__iter__" (not iterable)
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:919: error: <nothing> object is not iterable
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:936: error: Cannot determine type of "previous_tail_lines"
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:940: error: Cannot determine type of "tail_lines"
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:958: error: <nothing> has no attribute "__iter__" (not iterable)
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:994: error: Need type annotation for "pod_status_by_sha_and_readiness"
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:995: error: Need type annotation for "versions"
+ paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:1073: error: Need type annotation for "pod_list"
+ paasta_tools/cli/cmds/status.py:1422: error: Need type annotation for "jobs_details"
+ paasta_tools/cli/cmds/mark_for_deployment.py:1817: error: <nothing> object is not iterable
+ paasta_tools/cli/cmds/mark_for_deployment.py:1822: error: Cannot determine type of "instance"
black (https://github.com/psf/black)
+ src/black/concurrency.py:185:27: error: Need type annotation for "changed" [var-annotated]
+ src/blackd/__init__.py:132:25: error: Need type annotation for "formatted_str" [var-annotated]
kopf (https://github.com/nolar/kopf)
+ kopf/_cogs/aiokits/aiotasks.py:25: error: Type application has too few types (2 expected)
+ kopf/_cogs/clients/api.py:39: error: Need type annotation for "cert"
+ kopf/_core/reactor/running.py:440: error: Need type annotation for "result"
pyppeteer (https://github.com/pyppeteer/pyppeteer)
+ pyppeteer/worker.py:92: error: <nothing> has no attribute "evaluate"
+ pyppeteer/worker.py:100: error: <nothing> has no attribute "evaluateHandle"
+ pyppeteer/page.py:854: error: Value of type <nothing> is not indexable
+ pyppeteer/page.py:1006: error: Value of type <nothing> is not indexable
+ pyppeteer/network_manager.py:650: error: Need type annotation for "result"
+ pyppeteer/frame_manager.py:853: error: Need type annotation for "result"
core (https://github.com/home-assistant/core)
+ homeassistant/loader.py:187: error: Need type annotation for "dirs" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/loader.py:191: error: Need type annotation for "integrations" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/loader.py:782: error: Need type annotation for "integrations" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/data_entry_flow.py:225: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/data_entry_flow.py:230: error: Cannot determine type of "result" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/data_entry_flow.py:231: error: Cannot determine type of "flow" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/data_entry_flow.py:231: error: Cannot determine type of "result" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/data_entry_flow.py:233: error: Returning Any from function declared to return "FlowResult" [no-any-return]
+ homeassistant/data_entry_flow.py:233: error: Cannot determine type of "result" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/requirements.py:204: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/requirements.py:261: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/requirements.py:264: error: Cannot determine type of "installed" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/requirements.py:265: error: Cannot determine type of "failures" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/requirements.py:266: error: Cannot determine type of "failures" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/requirements.py:267: error: Cannot determine type of "failures" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/helpers/trigger.py:156: error: Need type annotation for "attach_results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/helpers/translation.py:183: error: Need type annotation for "loaded_translations" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/helpers/translation.py:232: error: <nothing> has no attribute "__iter__" (not iterable) [attr-defined]
+ homeassistant/helpers/storage.py:57: error: Need type annotation for "config" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/auth/__init__.py:51: error: Need type annotation for "providers" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/auth/__init__.py:66: error: Need type annotation for "modules" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/config.py:348: error: Need type annotation for "config" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/config.py:356: error: Returning Any from function declared to return "Dict[Any, Any]" [no-any-return]
+ homeassistant/helpers/service.py:473: error: Need type annotation for "contents" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/helpers/service.py:492: error: Unused "type: ignore" comment
+ homeassistant/setup.py:127: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/helpers/check_config.py:84: error: Cannot determine type of "core_config" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/helpers/check_config.py:95: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/helpers/check_config.py:97: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/helpers/check_config.py:110: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/http/ban.py:212: error: Need type annotation for "list_" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/helpers/restore_state.py:288: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/helpers/restore_state.py:292: error: Cannot determine type of "data" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/helpers/restore_state.py:296: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/helpers/restore_state.py:300: error: Cannot determine type of "data" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/device_automation/__init__.py:215: error: Unused "type: ignore" comment
+ homeassistant/components/device_automation/__init__.py:256: error: <nothing> has no attribute "__iter__" (not iterable) [attr-defined]
+ homeassistant/helpers/collection.py:418: error: <nothing> has no attribute "__iter__" (not iterable) [attr-defined]
+ homeassistant/components/system_health/__init__.py:103: error: Need type annotation for "domain_data" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/device_tracker/legacy.py:327: error: <nothing> has no attribute "__iter__" (not iterable) [attr-defined]
+ homeassistant/components/device_tracker/legacy.py:913: error: Need type annotation for "devices" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/helpers/script.py:1018: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/recorder/websocket_api.py:191: error: Need type annotation for "statistic_ids" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/recorder/websocket_api.py:230: error: Need type annotation for "statistic_ids" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/recorder/websocket_api.py:286: error: Need type annotation for "metadatas" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/hassio/__init__.py:982: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/components/hassio/__init__.py:994: error: Need type annotation for "stats_data" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/ssdp/__init__.py:392: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/zeroconf/__init__.py:191: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/components/zeroconf/__init__.py:194: error: Cannot determine type of "zeroconf_types" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/zeroconf/__init__.py:194: error: Cannot determine type of "homekit_models" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/bluetooth/manager.py:175: error: Need type annotation for "scanner_diagnostics" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/helpers/config_entry_flow.py:77: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/yeelight/scanner.py:86: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/yale_smart_alarm/coordinator.py:36: error: Need type annotation for "updates" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/xiaomi_aqara/__init__.py:153: error: Need type annotation for "xiaomi_gateway" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/wiz/discovery.py:27: error: Need type annotation for "discovered" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/wilight/parent_device.py:43: error: Need type annotation for "api_device" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/verisure/coordinator.py:67: error: Need type annotation for "overview" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/venstar/config_flow.py:47: error: Need type annotation for "info_success" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/upnp/device.py:39: error: Need type annotation for "mac_address" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/upnp/device.py:151: error: Need type annotation for "values" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/upnp/device.py:170: error: Need type annotation for "values" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/upcloud/__init__.py:87: error: <nothing> has no attribute "__iter__" (not iterable) [attr-defined]
+ homeassistant/components/tractive/__init__.py:91: error: Need type annotation for "trackables" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/tractive/__init__.py:130: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/components/tractive/__init__.py:134: error: Cannot determine type of "tracker_details" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/tractive/__init__.py:134: error: Cannot determine type of "hw_info" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/tractive/__init__.py:134: error: Cannot determine type of "pos_report" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/totalconnect/__init__.py:44: error: Need type annotation for "client" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/tolo/config_flow.py:50: error: Need type annotation for "device_available" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/tolo/config_flow.py:73: error: Need type annotation for "device_available" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/tellduslive/__init__.py:62: error: Need type annotation for "session" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/tautulli/coordinator.py:54: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/components/tankerkoenig/__init__.py:128: error: Need type annotation for "setup_ok" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/tankerkoenig/__init__.py:224: error: Need type annotation for "data" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/synology_dsm/config_flow.py:180: error: Need type annotation for "serial" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/steamist/discovery.py:69: error: Need type annotation for "discovered" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/steam_online/config_flow.py:51: error: Need type annotation for "res" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/steam_online/config_flow.py:145: error: <nothing> has no attribute "__iter__" (not iterable) [attr-defined]
+ homeassistant/components/spider/sensor.py:25: error: <nothing> has no attribute "__iter__" (not iterable) [attr-defined]
+ homeassistant/components/spider/__init__.py:58: error: Need type annotation for "api" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/soundtouch/config_flow.py:91: error: Need type annotation for "device" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/soundtouch/__init__.py:130: error: Need type annotation for "device" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/soma/__init__.py:58: error: Need type annotation for "devices" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/simplisafe/__init__.py:689: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/roomba/__init__.py:46: error: Need type annotation for "roomba" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/ridwell/__init__.py:64: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/powerwall/config_flow.py:49: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/components/powerwall/config_flow.py:58: error: Cannot determine type of "site_info" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/powerwall/config_flow.py:58: error: Cannot determine type of "gateway_din" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/nuki/__init__.py:89: error: Need type annotation for "bridge" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/nuki/__init__.py:98: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/components/nuki/__init__.py:143: error: Cannot determine type of "locks" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/nuki/__init__.py:144: error: Cannot determine type of "openers" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/nuheat/config_flow.py:50: error: Need type annotation for "thermostat" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/nuheat/__init__.py:41: error: Need type annotation for "thermostat" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/notion/__init__.py:68: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/nissan_leaf/__init__.py:131: error: Need type annotation for "result" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/nissan_leaf/__init__.py:359: error: Need type annotation for "start_server_info" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/nissan_leaf/__init__.py:370: error: Need type annotation for "request" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/nissan_leaf/__init__.py:387: error: Need type annotation for "check_result_info" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/nissan_leaf/__init__.py:394: error: Need type annotation for "server_info" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/nissan_leaf/__init__.py:454: error: Need type annotation for "request" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/nissan_leaf/__init__.py:470: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/nissan_leaf/__init__.py:473: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/monoprice/__init__.py:30: error: Need type annotation for "monoprice" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/modem_callerid/config_flow.py:37: error: Need type annotation for "dev_path" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/modem_callerid/config_flow.py:66: error: Need type annotation for "ports" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/modem_callerid/config_flow.py:87: error: Need type annotation for "dev_path" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/lifx/util.py:172: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/jellyfin/client_wrapper.py:30: error: Need type annotation for "userid" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/jellyfin/client_wrapper.py:34: error: Returning Any from function declared to return "str" [no-any-return]
+ homeassistant/components/iqvia/__init__.py:91: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/ios/__init__.py:256: error: Need type annotation for "ios_config" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/honeywell/__init__.py:54: error: Need type annotation for "client" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/google_sheets/config_flow.py:92: error: Need type annotation for "doc" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/github/config_flow.py:44: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/github/config_flow.py:62: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/fritzbox_callmonitor/config_flow.py:119: error: Need type annotation for "phonebook_info" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/fritzbox_callmonitor/config_flow.py:156: error: Need type annotation for "result" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/fritzbox/config_flow.py:107: error: Need type annotation for "result" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/fritzbox/config_flow.py:163: error: Need type annotation for "result" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/fritzbox/config_flow.py:200: error: Need type annotation for "result" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/fritz/config_flow.py:94: error: Need type annotation for "current_host" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/fritz/config_flow.py:99: error: Need type annotation for "entry_host" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/fritz/config_flow.py:173: error: Need type annotation for "error" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/fritz/config_flow.py:223: error: Need type annotation for "error" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/fritz/config_flow.py:224: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/fritz/config_flow.py:229: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/fritz/config_flow.py:272: error: Need type annotation for "error" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/fritz/config_flow.py:273: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/fritz/config_flow.py:277: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/flipr/config_flow.py:91: error: Need type annotation for "flipr_ids" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/firmata/__init__.py:221: error: Need type annotation for "results" (hint: "results: List[<type>] = ...") [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/filesize/sensor.py:71: error: Need type annotation for "get_path" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/filesize/sensor.py:99: error: Need type annotation for "statinfo" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/filesize/__init__.py:25: error: Need type annotation for "check_file" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/file_upload/__init__.py:80: error: Need type annotation for "temp_dir" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/fibaro/__init__.py:497: error: Need type annotation for "controller" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/ffmpeg/__init__.py:122: error: Need type annotation for "image" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/elkm1/discovery.py:54: error: Need type annotation for "discovered" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/dunehd/config_flow.py:25: error: Need type annotation for "state" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/sensor.py:446: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/sensor.py:450: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/sensor.py:493: error: Right operand of "and" is never evaluated [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/sensor.py:495: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/sensor.py:498: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/sensor.py:501: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/config_flow.py:84: error: Cannot determine type of "transport" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/config_flow.py:88: error: Cannot determine type of "transport" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/config_flow.py:117: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/config_flow.py:122: error: Cannot determine type of "transport" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/config_flow.py:125: error: Cannot determine type of "protocol" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/config_flow.py:128: error: Cannot determine type of "transport" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/config_flow.py:129: error: Cannot determine type of "protocol" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/config_flow.py:225: error: Need type annotation for "dev_path" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/dsmr/config_flow.py:238: error: Need type annotation for "ports" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/doorbird/config_flow.py:45: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/components/doorbird/config_flow.py:53: error: Cannot determine type of "status" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/doorbird/config_flow.py:56: error: Cannot determine type of "info" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/doorbird/__init__.py:110: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/components/doorbird/__init__.py:122: error: Cannot determine type of "status" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/doorbird/__init__.py:127: error: Cannot determine type of "status" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/doorbird/__init__.py:145: error: Cannot determine type of "info" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/dnsip/config_flow.py:61: error: Need type annotation for "tasks" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/dexcom/__init__.py:31: error: Need type annotation for "dexcom" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/devolo_home_control/__init__.py:35: error: Need type annotation for "credentials_valid" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/devolo_home_control/__init__.py:43: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/demo/__init__.py:172: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/demo/__init__.py:269: error: Need type annotation for "last_stats" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/deluge/coordinator.py:41: error: Need type annotation for "_data" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/cpuspeed/config_flow.py:32: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/cpuspeed/config_flow.py:34: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/cpuspeed/__init__.py:13: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/cpuspeed/__init__.py:19: error: Statement is unreachable [unreachable]
+ homeassistant/components/coinbase/__init__.py:71: error: Need type annotation for "instance" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/co2signal/__init__.py:78: error: Need type annotation for "data" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/bosch_shc/__init__.py:38: error: Need type annotation for "session" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/bluetooth_tracker/device_tracker.py:160: error: Need type annotation for "devices" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/bluetooth_tracker/device_tracker.py:166: error: Need type annotation for "friendly_name" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/backup/manager.py:82: error: Need type annotation for "backups" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/backup/manager.py:160: error: Need type annotation for "pre_backup_results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/backup/manager.py:208: error: Need type annotation for "post_backup_results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/aws/__init__.py:135: error: Need type annotation for "results" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/aurora_abb_powerone/config_flow.py:91: error: Need type annotation for "result" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/aurora_abb_powerone/config_flow.py:99: error: Need type annotation for "info" [var-annotated]
+ homeassistant/components/androidtv/__init__.py:97: error: <nothing> object is not iterable [misc]
+ homeassistant/components/androidtv/__init__.py:104: error: Cannot determine type of "adbkey" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/androidtv/__init__.py:110: error: Cannot determine type of "signer" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/androidtv/__init__.py:122: error: Cannot determine type of "adb_log" [has-type]
+ homeassistant/components/abode/__init__.py:94: error: Need type annot
... (truncated 282 lines) ...
Diff from mypy_primer, showing the effect of this PR on open source code:
kopf (https://github.com/nolar/kopf)
+ kopf/_cogs/aiokits/aiotasks.py:25: error: Type application has too few types (2 expected)
Diff from mypy_primer, showing the effect of this PR on open source code:
paasta (https://github.com/yelp/paasta)
- paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:621: error: Argument "pod_status_by_sha_and_readiness_task" to "get_versions_for_controller_revisions" has incompatible type "Task[defaultdict[Tuple[str, str], defaultdict[bool, List[Future[Dict[str, Any]]]]]]"; expected "Future[Mapping[Tuple[str, str], Mapping[bool, Sequence[Future[Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]"
- paasta_tools/instance/kubernetes.py:640: error: Argument "pod_status_by_replicaset_task" to "get_versions_for_replicasets" has incompatible type "Task[Dict[str, List[Future[Dict[str, Any]]]]]"; expected "Future[Mapping[str, Sequence[Future[Dict[str, Any]]]]]"
kopf (https://github.com/nolar/kopf)
+ kopf/_cogs/aiokits/aiotasks.py:25: error: Type application has too few types (2 expected)
Diff from mypy_primer, showing the effect of this PR on open source code:
kopf (https://github.com/nolar/kopf)
+ kopf/_cogs/aiokits/aiotasks.py:25: error: Type application has too few types (2 expected)
According to mypy_primer, this change has no effect on the checked open source code. 🤖🎉
I'm still hesitant about having a covariant subclass of an invariant base class. Given B <: A
, we'd have Task[A] <: Future[A]
, Task[B] <: Future[B]
, and Task[B] <: Task[A]
, but not Future[B] <: Future[A]
. That feels unsound.
@erictraut curious if you have any opinions here: maybe type checkers should not allow covariant subclasses of invariant base classes? And how would this work under PEP 695?
It definitely feels sketchy, but in this particular case as far as I can tell it's not any more unsound than the existing Liskov issue with set_result
I agree this is sketchy. Neither mypy nor pyright (I haven't tried the other type checkers) complain about this situation currently, even though it's clearly wrong.
from typing import TypeVar
T = TypeVar("T", covariant=True)
class MyList(list[T]): pass
def append_float(y: MyList[float]):
x: MyList[int] = MyList([1, 2, 3])
This is a pretty big hole in type safety, and it should probably be plugged. I'll explore a solution in pyright and see whether it produces a lot of noise for internal Microsoft code bases that use pyright.
In the meantime, I recommend not taking a dependency on this sketchy behavior — especially for classes that are as commonly-used as Task
and Future
I've implemented support for this missing check in pyright. I didn't see any violations of it in our internal Microsoft source bases, nor were there any existing violations in typeshed.
I'm not sure what I'd recommend for this PR. I understand the reasoning, but I think I'd reject it because it's unsound from a type perspective, and it will no longer pass type checking when using pyright. If you decide to keep it, you can use a # type: ignore
or # pyright: ignore
comment to suppress the error.
Thanks for checking that!
I'm still in favour of this PR because it solves a real problem, models the runtime better, and there isn't opportunity for unsoundness beyond the pre-existing Liskov violation. Seems worth adding a test case to confirm behaviour, though.
But it is icky and we've managed so far without it, so if we were to reject that would be understandable.
Edit: I added the check to mypy in https://github.com/python/mypy/pull/13714
I don't have a strong opinion on this, but I agree that this can be useful. In one project, I had many collections of tasks that I wanted to cancel when a specific thing happened, so I made it something like list[asyncio.Task[Any]]
. But because I never wanted to access the results of any of these tasks, and in fact I would want an error if I assume the results are of any specific type, asyncio.Task[object]
would have been better if it worked.
According to mypy_primer, this change has no effect on the checked open source code. 🤖🎉
According to mypy_primer, this change has no effect on the checked open source code. 🤖🎉
This has been open for a bit and while it is a sketchy change, no one seems particularly opposed to it.
So I'm planning on merging. tldr:
- solves a real problem encountered by multiple people
- models the runtime better
- there isn't opportunity for unsoundness beyond the pre-existing Liskov violation
- two maintainers in favour, no maintainers clearly opposed