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zipimport needs to support namespace packages when no 'directory' entry exists
BPO | 14905 |
Nosy | @warsaw, @gpshead, @pjeby, @ronaldoussoren, @ncoghlan, @ericvsmith, @ericsnowcurrently, @serhiy-storchaka, @phmc |
Files |
Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.
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GitHub fields:
assignee = None
closed_at = None
created_at = <Date 2012-05-25.00:27:06.530>
labels = ['3.8', 'type-feature', 'library']
title = "zipimport needs to support namespace packages when no 'directory' entry exists"
updated_at = <Date 2020-08-13.13:47:03.805>
user = 'https://github.com/ericvsmith'
bugs.python.org fields:
activity = <Date 2020-08-13.13:47:03.805>
actor = 'pconnell'
assignee = 'none'
closed = False
closed_date = None
closer = None
components = ['Library (Lib)']
creation = <Date 2012-05-25.00:27:06.530>
creator = 'eric.smith'
dependencies = []
files = ['26302', '26894']
hgrepos = []
issue_num = 14905
keywords = ['patch']
message_count = 16.0
messages = ['161543', '161544', '161584', '164861', '168568', '182245', '182254', '182255', '182279', '182326', '185799', '185936', '186026', '325724', '325764', '375307']
nosy_count = 14.0
nosy_names = ['barry', 'gregory.p.smith', 'pje', 'ronaldoussoren', 'ncoghlan', 'jerub', 'eric.smith', 'Arfrever', 'eric.snow', 'serhiy.storchaka', 'jpaugh', 'pconnell', 'isoschiz', 'superluser']
pr_nums = []
priority = 'normal'
resolution = None
stage = 'needs patch'
status = 'open'
superseder = None
type = 'enhancement'
url = 'https://bugs.python.org/issue14905'
versions = ['Python 3.8']
Linked PRs
- gh-121233
- gh-121375
- gh-121378