flask-restx copied to clipboard
Marshal With is expecting the params in reponse
I am writing an endpoint where two params are part of the url
schedule_api = Namespace(
description="API for all the League's Schedule queries"
schedule_payload = schedule_api.model('Schedule', {
'away_team': fields.String(
description="The name of the away team",
'away_team_id': fields.Integer(
description="The id of the away team",
'date': fields.Date(
description="The date of the game",
'field': fields.String(
description="The field of the game",
'home_team': fields.String(
description="The name of the home team",
'home_team_id': fields.Integer(
description="The id of the home team",
'league_id': fields.Integer(
description="The id of the league",
'score': fields.String(
description="The score of the game if played",
'status': fields.String(
description="The status of the game",
'time': fields.String(
description="The time of the game (Format: HH-MM)",
pagination = get_pagination(schedule_api)
schedule_pagination = schedule_api.inherit("SchedulePagination", pagination, {
'items': fields.List(fields.Nested(schedule_payload))
@schedule_api.route("/<int:year>/<int:league_id>", endpoint="rest.schedule")
params={"year": "The schedule year", "league_id": "The id of the league"}
class ScheduleAPIX(Resource):
@schedule_api.marshal_with(schedule_pagination, envelope='resource')
def get(self, year, league_id):
page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int)
data = pull_schedule(year, league_id, page=page)
# running into issue where say this was needed in response
# just added them for now
data['year'] = year
data['league_id'] = league_id
return data
Repro Steps (if applicable)
- ...
- ...
- Broken!
Expected Behavior
Should be able to not include league_id and year in the response
Actual Behavior
[A description of the unexpected, buggy behavior.](root:errors_handler.py:86 Could not build url for endpoint 'rest.schedule' with values ['has_next', 'has_prev', 'items', 'pages', 'total']. Did you forget to specify values ['league_id', 'year']?)
Error Messages/Stack Trace
[A description of the unexpected, buggy behavior.](root:errors_handler.py:86 Could not build url for endpoint 'rest.schedule' with values ['has_next', 'has_prev', 'items', 'pages', 'total']. Did you forget to specify values ['league_id', 'year']?)
- Python version 3.10.12
- Flask version 2.2.3
- Flask-RESTX version 1.3.0
- Other installed Flask extensions
Additional Context
This is your last chance to provide any pertinent details, don't let this opportunity pass you by!