gino copied to clipboard
Sanic+Gino and Flask+Sqlalchemy have similar pressure test performance.
use WRK test three types of web frame to read one recorder in postgresql database : 1、Sanic+gino, 2、flask+sqlalchemy+gevent+gunicorn, 3、Golang gin+gorm.
test machine: MacBook Pro 8GB
- concurrence result :
- sanic+gino: 1700 requests/seconds
- flask+sqlalchemy:1100 requests/seconds
- Golang : 5000+ requests/seconds
flask + SQLAlchemy :
sanic + gino
use Same Configration test purl web performance:
- concurrence result :
- Sanic : 20000 requests/seconds
- flask: 3300 requests/seconds
- Golang : 80000 requests/seconds
Why it has nearly performance between sanic+gino and flask+sqlalchemy ?
What I Did
Sanic + gino :
@app.route('/testdb', methods=['GET'])
async def 测试数据库功能(request):
data = await UserModel.query.where(UserModel.accountID == "test").gino.first()
if data is None:
user = await UserModel.create(accountID='test')
data = await UserModel.query.where(UserModel.accountID == "test").gino.first()
return response.text(data.openID)
if __name__ == '__main__':, port=7005, host='', workers=5, access_log=False)
Flask + SQLalchemy:
@app.route("/testdb", methods=["GET"])
def test_db():
data = UserModel.query.filter(UserModel.accountID == "test").first()
if data is not None:
return data.accountID
return "None"
gunicorn main:app --bind --worker-class gevent --workers 9 --threads 8
Use Sanic+SQLalchmey, with default sqlalchemy setting:
the performance even higher than gino ?
# sqlalchemy
engine = create_engine("postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/zhangxuewei", echo=False)
Base = declarative_base(engine)
session = sessionmaker(engine)()
@app.route('/testdb', methods=['GET'])
async def test(request):
data = session.query(UserModelalc).filter(UserModelalc.accountID == "test").first()
return response.text(data.openID)
if __name__ == '__main__':, port=7005, host='', workers=5, access_log=False)
The newest test of Sanic+asyncpg : 5300 Requests/Sec
it obviously gino have performance bottle neck?
I guess that Gino use the pool of SQLalchemy instead of asyncpg's pool ?
Find out the reason block the thread: 1、generate query statement in sqlalchemy Core 2、generate sql command from sqlalchemy query statement.
Find out the reason block the thread: 1、generate query statement in sqlalchemy Core 2、generate sql command from sqlalchemy query statement.
Yeah, that's usually the cost having the convenience of query builder or ORM. I think we can implement something like the baked query to boost that.
Find out the reason block the thread: 1、generate query statement in sqlalchemy Core 2、generate sql command from sqlalchemy query statement.
Yeah, that's usually the cost having the convenience of query builder or ORM. I think we can implement something like the baked query to boost that.
It doesn't work or I misunderstand your point? I have tried to caching generated SQL statements by SA and parse it to sql command. Meanwhile I have wrote a ORM demo use asyncpg directly, it perform well.
code demo:
from asyncpg import create_pool
from sanic import Blueprint, Sanic
from math import floor
class PG_ORM:
def init_db_withPool(app: Sanic = None, bp: Blueprint = None,
user="postgres", password="postgres", database="mydb",
host="localhost", port=5432,
max_inactive_connection_lifetime=60, pool_min_size=1,
pool_max_size=100, workers=5):
Params of bp and app: just need one of them.(bp或者app仅需传入其中一个)
# check params(参数校验,并赋值)
if app is None and bp is None:
raise Exception("PG_ORM().init_db() need one parameter of app or bp ")
if workers < 1:
raise Exception("param worders must >= 1")
if workers >= pool_max_size:
raise Exception("工作核心超过数据库连接池最大连接数")
if app is not None:
temp = app
if bp is not None:
temp = bp
# set middleware(设置中间件)
async def init_pg(app, loop):
Init Postgresql DB.
max_size = floor(pool_max_size / workers)
min_size = floor(pool_min_size / workers)
app.pg_pool = await create_pool(
user=user, password=password,
database=database, host=host, port=port,
min_size=min_size if min_size > 0 else 1,
max_size=max_size if max_size > 0 else 1,
app.session = Session(app.pg_pool)
# Define to Execute Origin SQL command(执行SQL原生语句)
class Session:
def __init__(self, pg_pool):
self.pg_pool = pg_pool
async def fetch(self, sql, *args, **kwargs):
async with self.pg_pool.acquire() as connection:
return await connection.fetch(sql, *args, **kwargs)
async def execute(self, sql, *args, **kwargs):
async with self.pg_pool.acquire() as connection:
return await connection.execute(sql, *args, **kwargs)
define Table Model (定义表模型)
# overloaded operator
class 重载运算符:
columnName: str
# overloaded operator: ==
def __eq__(self, other):
return "%s = '%s'" % (self.columnName, other)
class String(重载运算符):
def __init__(self, column_name, lens: int = 128):
self.lens = 128
self.columnName = column_name
class BaseModel:
__table_name__: str
def query(self, app):
return self.__Query(app, self.__table_name__)
class __Query:
def __init__(self, app, __table_name__):
self.__table_name__ = __table_name__
# print(__table_name__)
self.session = app.session
async def filter(self, statement: str):
sql = """SELECT * FROM "%s" WHERE %s""" % (self.__table_name__, statement)
# print(sql)
return await self.session.fetch(sql)
use it demo:
from sanic import response, Sanic
from xxxx import PG_ORM, BaseModel, String
# create sanic(创建sanic实例)
app = Sanic(__name__)
# SQL Pool(数据库连接池)
PG_ORM().init_db_withPool(app=app, workers=10)
# define orm Model(定义模型)
class User(BaseModel):
__table_name__ = "user账号表"
account_id = String("account_id", 128)
@app.route('/testorm', methods=["GET"])
async def t(rquest):
data = await User().query(app).filter(User.account_id == "test")
return response.text(data)
It doesn't work or I misunderstand your point?
The baked-query-like caching feature is not implemented yet.
It doesn't work or I misunderstand your point?
The baked-query-like caching feature is not implemented yet.
As my test result, the main influence to permanence is SA's core ? here is my test code:
@app.route('/testdb', methods=['GET'])
async def testdb(request):
# 此处两条命令阻塞线程,并发性能损失巨大。
# this two functions is main reason to lost permanence .
# test result: 5000 -> 3700 -> 1700 requests/second
sqlStatement = SASession.query(UserModel).filter(UserModel.account_id == "test").statement
sqlCommandStr = literalquery(sql)
values = await app.session.fetch(sqlCommandStr)
return response.json({"nihoa": "nimei"})