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Abstract property can't be found by mixins when property is a `attr.ib`

Open OneRaynyDay opened this issue 1 year ago • 13 comments

Same context here

The following runs fine:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import attr

class A(ABC):
    def prop(self):

    def foo(self):

class B:
    def prop(self):
        return 5

class C(B, A):


Here, C has a function prop inherited from B which is found first in the MRO order so A wouldn't complain about its existence. I tried this with a dataclass as well:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class A(ABC):
    def prop(self):

    def foo(self):

class B:
    prop: int = field(default=5)

class C(B, A):


However, this doesn't work with attr:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import attr

class A(ABC):
    def prop(self):

    def foo(self):

class B:
    prop: int = attr.ib(default=5)

class C(B, A):


Running it:

❯ python                                                                                  
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 22, in <module>
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class C with abstract methods prop

Python version: 3.8.3, attrs version 22.1.0

OneRaynyDay avatar Aug 10 '22 21:08 OneRaynyDay

As I've answered on SO, making B slotted fixes it and I'm curious why that is (especially given dataclasses seem to work).

hynek avatar Aug 11 '22 05:08 hynek

I got briefly excited by seeing but that doesn't fix it either. I'll open an PR adding it anyways if I'll find a test for it.

hynek avatar Aug 11 '22 05:08 hynek

So the reason why dataclasses work seems to be that they store default values as class variables!?

(Pdb++) pp B.__dict__
mappingproxy({'__annotations__': {'prop': <class 'int'>},
              '__dataclass_fields__': {'prop': Field(name='prop',type=<class 'int'>,default=5,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object at 0x10eb6afe0>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),kw_only=False,_field_type=_FIELD)},
              '__dataclass_params__': _DataclassParams(init=True,repr=True,eq=True,order=False,unsafe_hash=False,frozen=False),
              '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'B' objects>,
              '__doc__': 'B(prop: int = 5)',
              '__eq__': <function B.__eq__ at 0x10f0e52d0>,
              '__hash__': None,
              '__init__': <function B.__init__ at 0x10f0e5000>,
              '__match_args__': ('prop',),
              '__module__': '__main__',
              '__repr__': <function B.__repr__ at 0x10f0e5090>,
              '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'B' objects>,
              'prop': 5}) # <---- !!!

Not sure what to do about all of this.

hynek avatar Aug 11 '22 06:08 hynek

JFTR dataclasses behave inconsistenly here. If you make prop a list it stops working:

class B:
    prop: list = field(default_factory=list)

I think I prefer attrs consistent behavior here. It probably works with slots because abc checks __slots__ for the existence of the attribute?

hynek avatar Aug 11 '22 06:08 hynek

For posterity here's a test, but I don't think this is a bug anymore:

def test_abstract_property(slots):
    class A(abc.ABC):
        def prop(self):

        def foo(self):

    class B:
        prop: int = attrs.field(default=5)

    class C(B, A):


hynek avatar Aug 11 '22 07:08 hynek

So the reason why dataclasses work seems to be that they store default values as class variables!?

Even if it's a slot class? 👀

Tinche avatar Aug 11 '22 09:08 Tinche

Ah thank you for the quick response! Unfortunately I'm in a bit of a sticky situation in that it's really risky to make B slotted. B is a base class used by a lot (like hundreds) of classes, and it may introduce subtle unexpected behavioral changes.

I'll respond in this thread when I've at least given it a try though!

Also, I'm aware of attr.define and the new interface - I just can't do that yet because our pylint astroid brain doesn't understand that syntax yet (we're a little behind on that version)

OneRaynyDay avatar Aug 11 '22 17:08 OneRaynyDay

So you really need it to be a n attribute with a default value btw? Couldn't you make it a ClassVar?

hynek avatar Aug 11 '22 18:08 hynek

Yeah, actually it's not defaulted in the actual code - I just gave it a default in the example. Sorry for the confusion - does that change anything about the solution?

OneRaynyDay avatar Aug 11 '22 19:08 OneRaynyDay

Only that it probably doesn't work with dataclasses at all either. :)

hynek avatar Aug 11 '22 19:08 hynek

oh... that's even worse news :(

OneRaynyDay avatar Aug 11 '22 19:08 OneRaynyDay

Not elegant, but you can do this for now:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, ABCMeta
import attr

class A(ABC):
    def prop(self):

    def foo(self):

class B_:
    prop: int = attr.ib(default=5)

class B(B_):

class C(B, A):


B().x = 42  # works!
C().y = 23  # too!

hynek avatar Aug 12 '22 06:08 hynek

Sorry for jumping in here, I ended up at this ticket because I wondered if I can implement abstract properties using attr. Short answer: Yes, when using slots.

Here is a doctest example that explains what's going on, including a sketch for a way to implement this:

Abstract properties

You can mark properties as abstract in Python like this:

    >>> import abc

    >>> class Abstract(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    ...     @property
    ...     @abc.abstractmethod
    ...     def value(self):
    ...        pass

As the getter of `value` is backed by an abstract method, the class is

    >>> Abstract()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Abstract without an implementation for abstract method 'value'

Naive implementation of abstract properties

This looks simple, but Python actually makes it hard to implement abstract
properties. Namely this actually requires to write properties, it's not
possible to implement abstract properties by fields:

    >>> class ConcreteNaive(Abstract):
    ...     def __init__(self, value):
    ...         self.value = value  # fulfill property value as attribute

    >>> ConcreteNaive(42)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class ConcreteNaive without an implementation for abstract method 'value'

The reason for this is that the `property` is backed by a descriptor at the
class level:

    >>> vars(Abstract)["value"]                         # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <property object at 0x...>

As nothing replaced the entry in the derived class, the property is still
there and marked abstract:

    >>> vars(ConcreteNaive)["value"]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    KeyError: 'value'
    >>> ConcreteNaive.value                             # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <property object at 0x...>
    >>> ConcreteNaive.value.__isabstractmethod__

Hack: Hide the abstract property

If suffices to hide the property in derived classes by overriding it with
something else:

    >>> class ConcreteHideProperty(Abstract):
    ...     value = None  # hide abstract property
    ...     def __init__(self, value):
    ...         self.value = value  # fulfill property value as attribute

    >>> ConcreteHideProperty(42).value

This can have interesting side effects though:

    >>> t = ConcreteHideProperty(42)
    >>> del t.value
    >>> repr(t.value)

Clean: Actually implement a property

To implement the property without any tricks, one has to override the
descriptor of the base class. E.g.:

    >>> class ConcreteClean(Abstract):
    ...     def __init__(self, value):
    ...         self._value = value  # backing store for property
    ...     @property
    ...     def value(self):
    ...         return self._value

This behaves as expected:

    >>> t = ConcreteClean(42)
    >>> t.value
    >>> del t.value
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: property 'value' of 'ConcreteClean' object has no deleter

Expert approach: Use slots

Slots are implemented as special descriptors, as the normal access (look
into the instance dict) is not available without a dict. The side effect
is that the property is implemented:

    >>> class ConcreteSlots(Abstract):
    ...     __slots__ = "value",
    ...     def __init__(self, value):
    ...         self.value = value

This behaves just a bit differently, as the slot mechanism implements a

    >>> t = ConcreteSlots(42)
    >>> t.value
    >>> del t.value
    >>> t.value
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: 'ConcreteSlots' object has no attribute 'value'

We can check that the class dict now contains a descriptor for that slot:

    >>> vars(ConcreteSlots)["value"]
    <member 'value' of 'ConcreteSlots' objects>
    >>> ConcreteSlots.value
    <member 'value' of 'ConcreteSlots' objects>

What should attrs do?

The question remains: How to improve the situation when using attrs?

    >>> from attrs import define
    >>> @define(slots=False)
    ... class ConcreteAttrs(Abstract):
    ...     value : int = 7337

    >>> t = ConcreteAttrs(value=42)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class ConcreteAttrs without an implementation for abstract method 'value'

One approach would be to create properties for all attrs.fields after
extracting them from the class dict. Something like:

    >>> def field_property(name):
    ...     def getter(self):
    ...         d = vars(self)
    ...         try:
    ...             return d[name]
    ...         except KeyError:
    ...             pass
    ...         raise AttributeError(name)
    ...     def setter(self, value):
    ...         vars(self)[name] = value
    ...     def deleter(self):
    ...         d = vars(self)
    ...         try:
    ...             del d[name]
    ...             return
    ...         except KeyError:
    ...             pass
    ...         raise AttributeError(name)
    ...     return property(getter, setter, deleter)

    >>> class FixedConcreteAttrs(ConcreteAttrs):
    ...     value = field_property("value")

    >>> t = FixedConcreteAttrs(42)
    >>> t.value

This is only a sketch, of course. Especially, this would require patching
in the `on_setattr` hooks into the setter and applying this only for
descriptors in the base class that are marked with `__isabstractmethod__`.

tlandschoff-scale avatar Apr 12 '23 22:04 tlandschoff-scale