pytest-cov copied to clipboard
Code block reported missing when provably covered
It appears as though code covered with pytest is being reported as missing. While it may be a bug in pytest-cov, it may also be a problem with configuration. The configuration is quite simple and is all on the command line -- configuration files are avoided.
Here are the platform details:
$ uname -a
Linux 4.10.0-27-generic #30~16.04.2-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 29 16:07:46 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ pytest --version
This is pytest version 3.1.3, imported from /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/
setuptools registered plugins:
pytest-cov-2.5.1 at /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pytest_cov/
$ python3 -m pytest --cov=pix --cov=pixg --cov=pge --cov-branch --cov-report term-missing -v test
If I then run the unit tests, it completes without error and the line that concerns me is:
----------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.5.2-final-0 -----------
Name Stmts Miss Branch BrPart Cover Missing
pix/ 91 5 55 9 89% 40-47, 71, 32->37, 49->exit, 61->78, 64->76, 66->73, 68->71, 95->106, 99->103, 136->143
The block of code 136-143 is:
if not all (same.values()):
_error ('Reservoir "' + + '" does not match ' +
'node "' + f.node + '".\n ' +
'\n '.join (['{} : {}'.format (k, same[k])
for k in sorted (same)]))
result =
This block is covered with same.values() all being true and with some false elements. This can be shown by forcing pytest with assert to fail and looking at the output:
starting rule 03
completed rule 03
rule_03 completed with the status: good
starting rule 03
Reservoir "/fred" does not match node "/sally".
type : False
completed rule 03
rule_03 completed with the status: fail
starting rule 03
Reservoir "/fred" does not match node "/sally".
type : False
completed rule 03
rule_03 completed with the status: fail
starting rule 03
Reservoir "/fred" does not match node "/sally".
length : False
shape : True
type : True
completed rule 03
rule_03 completed with the status: fail
starting rule 03
Reservoir "/fred" does not match node "/sally".
length : True
shape : False
type : True
completed rule 03
rule_03 completed with the status: fail
starting rule 03
completed rule 03
rule_03 completed with the status: good
While the messages is bit to consume all at once, the important bit is to notice that the block being reported as missing is generating the fail message. I included the good messages to show that they same block is called when all (same.values())
is both True and False.
Hence, I think this shows that the block is being reported as missing when it is provably being executed. I cannot post all of the code for someone in this group to test, but with some help I am willing to work through the pytest-cov code to help find and isolate the problem (looking for hints as how and where to start). With the best of luck someone will recognize that I did not type my command line correctly.