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Error writing CURVES section - with workaround
The following code leads to incorrect curves data and subsequent errors when loading into SWMM5 (Note: even without modifying the curve data):
model = swmmio.Model("original.inp")
curves = model.inp.curves
model.inp.curves = curves
Is this a bug?
I managed to find a workaround involving overwriting the write_inp_section method (in swmmio/version_control)/utils.py) as follows:
def override_write_inp_section():
# Import write_inp_section
from swmmio.version_control.utils import write_inp_section
# Copy the original method to a new variable
write_inp_section_orig = write_inp_section
# Create a new method that will be used instead of the original
def _write_inp_section_new(file_object, allheaders, sectionheader, section_data, pad_top=True, na_fill=''):
if sectionheader == '[CURVES]':
if not section_data.empty:
if pad_top:
file_object.write('\n\n' + sectionheader + '\n') # add SWMM-friendly header e.g. [DWF]
file_object.write(sectionheader + '\n')
# Add custom code for CURVES
index_as_frame = section_data.index.to_frame()
index_as_frame.fillna('', inplace=True)
section_data.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(index_as_frame)
def name_formatter(name_value):
return name_value
def type_formatter(type_value):
return type_value
objectformatter = {}
objectformatter['Name'] = name_formatter
objectformatter['Type'] = type_formatter
for hedr in section_data.columns:
objectformatter[hedr] = ' {{:<{}}}'.format(section_data[hedr].apply(str).str.len().max()).format
section_data_as_string = section_data.to_string(header=False, index=False, formatters=objectformatter)
file_object.write(section_data_as_string + '\n\n')
# Call the original function for other section headers
write_inp_section_orig(file_object, allheaders, sectionheader, section_data, pad_top, na_fill)
# Replace the original method with the new one
swmmio.version_control.utils.write_inp_section = _write_inp_section_new
It's not beautiful and might not handle all cases, but it worked for the curves in my inp.
I hope this might be helpful.