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Exploration of potential interfaces for alternative packages
Answering the question how and which interactive package to integrate or not to integrate into splot
Idea and Experiment collection in order to decide on:
how different alternative, interactive packages can be integrated into
and -
functionality could/ should be supported interactively in future
To get a clear idea on what is possible and how a future integration could look like, I suggest to undertake experiments designing API's and assessing what is possible with alternative packages. I will therefore test different packages generating the
- [ ]
(scatterplot, LISA map, Choropleth map) and - [ ] (if there is time the
(heatmap, LISA maps, rose plot)) visualisation. I am aiming for an API design that is as close as possible to thematplotlib
API. This will help to provide an insight into whether or not it is viable to use aset_backend('package')
option, to quickly change backend packages or not.
I am testing under the assumption that interactive backends are used for the exploration of data and statistical results, not necessarily for publishing in a paper (we have the matplotlib
interface for this). Therefore I will limit the options to customise visualisations to a minimum. I would suggest to ideally make the interactive backend a default or if not possible provide an additional method for PySAL objects .plot_interactive()
, since interactive plotting could provide an attractive alternative to interfaces commonly used in the geographic sphere (software packages like GRASS, ArcMaps...).
Interactive visualisation packages:
- Bokeh (GeoViews)
- Altair
- Folium (Potential limit to underlying base maps only--> Functionality limited)
- Plotly (hard to use and not well documented for offline use without a subscription)
D3 (Lower priority since
based and I am not familiar withJavaScript
Testing criteria:
- maturity of package (active community, examples, ...)
- ease of use
- is it possible to design an API similar or exactely like the
API (without too much effort)? - How much additional functionality do packages offer?
- e.g. dataframes,
- geo-shapes,
- plot on top of map base layers, etc.
Possible outcomes:
- [ ] no use of interactive packages, instead continuing with interactive
functionality (widgets, masking options, ...) - [ ] use of interactive package as
option - [ ] use of interactive package for additional functionality (plotting on map base layers)
Hi Stefanie!
I was trying to develop some plotly's functions based on the splot native functions. I think I managed to develop the scatterplot offline for either in the terminal and for jupyter notebooks.
Did you work on some of your ideas of this issue? I've heard that there's some interactivity already implemented in splot, but I couldn't find yet.
An example of a plotly scatterplot function would be:
import pandas as pd
import pysal as ps
from libpysal.weights.contiguity import Queen
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
from dfply import * # dplyr functon (mask, select, group_by, etc.)
from esda.moran import Moran, Moran_Local
import plotly.offline as offline
from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode
csv_path = ps.examples.get_path('usjoin.csv')
usjoin = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
years = list(range(1929, 2010))
cols_to_calculate = list(map(str, years))
shp_path = ps.examples.get_path('us48.shp')
us48_map = gpd.read_file(shp_path)
us48_map = us48_map[['STATE_FIPS','geometry']]
us48_map.STATE_FIPS = us48_map.STATE_FIPS.astype(int)
df_map = us48_map.merge(usjoin, on='STATE_FIPS')
# Making the dataset tidy
us_tidy = pd.melt(df_map,
id_vars=['Name', 'STATE_FIPS', 'geometry'],
# Function that calculates Per Capita Ratio
def calculate_pcr(x):
return x / np.mean(x)
# Establishing a contiguity matrix for a specific year. It is the same for all years.
W = Queen.from_dataframe(us_tidy[us_tidy.Year == '1929'])
W.transform = 'r'
# Function that calculates lagged value
def calculate_lag_value(x):
return ps.lag_spatial(W, x)
us_tidy['PCR'] = us_tidy.groupby('Year').Income.apply(lambda x: calculate_pcr(x))
us_tidy = us_tidy.assign(Income_Lagged = us_tidy.groupby('Year').Income.transform(calculate_lag_value),
PCR_Lagged = us_tidy.groupby('Year').PCR.transform(calculate_lag_value))
y = (us_tidy >>
mask(us_tidy.Year == '1929') >>
moran = Moran(y, W)
moran_loc = Moran_Local(y, W)
def plotly_moran_scatterplot(moran_loc, # PySAL Moran or Local-Moran object
zstandard = True,
reference_lines = True, # Horizontal and Vertical lines
jupyter = False, # If user is running in a jupyter notebook
marker_size = 5,
marker_color = 'blue',
fit_line = True, # Fit regression line
line_width = 1.5,
line_color = 'red'):
if(zstandard == True):
Var = moran_loc.z
if(zstandard == False):
Var = moran_loc.y
VarLag = ps.lag_spatial(moran_loc.w, Var)
if(fit_line == True):
b,a = np.polyfit(Var, VarLag, 1)
fit_line_data = {'x': [min(Var), max(Var)],
'y': [a + i * b for i in [min(Var), max(Var)]],
'mode': 'lines',
'line': {'width': line_width,
'color': line_color}}
fit_line_data = {}
if(reference_lines == True):
h_line_data = {'x': [min(Var), max(Var)],
'y': [Var.mean(), Var.mean()],
'mode': 'lines',
'line': {'width': 1,
'color': 'gray'}}
v_line_data = {'x': [VarLag.mean(), VarLag.mean()],
'y': [min(VarLag), max(VarLag)],
'mode': 'lines',
'line': {'width': 1,
'color': 'gray'}}
h_line_data = {}
v_line_data = {}
fig = {
'data': [
'x': Var,
'y': VarLag,
'mode': 'markers',
'marker': {'size': marker_size,
'color': marker_color},
'text': moran_loc.p_sim},
'layout': {
'xaxis': {'title': 'Original Variable',
'showgrid': False,
'zeroline': False},
'yaxis': {'title': 'Lagged Variable',
'showgrid': False,
'showlegend': False,
'title': 'Moran Scatterplot'
if(jupyter == False):
plotly_fig = offline.plot(fig)
if(jupyter == True):
plotly_fig = offline.iplot(fig)
return plotly_fig
# Example
zstandard = False,
reference_lines = True,
marker_size = 5,
marker_color = 'blue',
fit_line = True,
line_width = 2.5,
line_color = 'red'