Mor Lehr
Mor Lehr
Hi @Pablissimo, Can you mark this as an enhancement request (and perhaps change the title) to enable loading a junit style report? I think the most common report format is...
I suggest you change the title of this Issue to reflect the enhancement request... (and avoiding future duplicate ones).
I used [](url) in the past to compare schemas (dump to text/html and use vscode or any other diff tool).
Update: the diagrams actually contain the "parent" partition table twice - once with the schema and another without (in addition to all the partitions) so in table `foo`'s diagram it...
Thanks for the quick response 👍 I did not test, but this should suffice: ``` CREATE TABLE ( id int2 NOT NULL, name varchar(15) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT foo_name_uq UNIQUE...
p.s I use `-noimplied -nopages -norows`, the rest is standard. just in case it makes a difference
@npetzall any update on this? I changed `ns.nspname table_catalog` to `current_database() table_catalog` in the overwritten query, it didn't help.
We use JDBC version `42.2.25` >But there is also a filtering that is done using tableTypes more on that in I indeed didn't get the partitioned parents - only...
I added `tableTypes=TABLE,PARTITIONED TABLE` to the properties file - it made no difference.
Nice to know. Either way it won't solve my requirement of including the parent tables and excluding all of the partitions - which I have hoped to achieve by overriding...