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How to multiply sets with reps with weight to get total volume per day for fitness tracking. (using tuples or lists in Tracker charts)
I'm trying my best to create some sort of system to include my gym session tracking in my Obsidian environment and perhaps use tracker to track more substantial things.
My issue is that I can't achieve that no matter what I try.
I've tried to do tag blocks with the same named tag and then a number, I've also tried frontmatter in multiple ways but none seem to work to achieve my goal. Perhaps someone knows how to achieve this.
So these are the different types of YAML notations I've tried:
None of these seem to parse with Tracker though. So then I've tried to set up something in tag blocks like this:
So looking at the tags they do add up which is great! But now I don't know exactly how to multiply them with the reps and sets so that I can plot the total volume.
I've also managed to use the list item notation i.e deadlift.kg[0] to get both values inside the search target without an error.
But I'm no closer to finding a way to have the functionality to record seperate sets and then add the total volume. This is important because the only way to grow is by keeping volume increase very steady and slowly increasing but changing your sets to microload more weight essentially meaning you balance fewer sets with increases in weight, and slight increases in volume, so that you don't get stuck. Details :)
I've also considered storing tables in the gym session notes because this would allow me to use the advanced tables cell math function. But I saw that Tracker can't read tables from each daily note and then plot some singular value based on row and column index using the table preset.
I'm going to try and use dataview to see if I can use tags and do some math inside of dv and then load up the dv values but if anyone knows a smoother way let me know :)
I'm sure this problem reveals all sorts of opportunities that you might want to hear :) I'm not sure how these plugins are coded yet but am willing to give it a crack when I do learn.