pypyodbc copied to clipboard
pypyodbc is a pure Python cross platform ODBC interface module (pyodbc compatible as of 2017)
In ODBC Driver (17 and 18) for SQL Server, it will report the size of VARCHAR(MAX) and NVARCHAR(MAX) as 0, causing an optimized bind_data route to be taken and having...
This is the code being used : ```import pypyodbc import pickle cnxn_pypyodbc = pypyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL Server};Server=localhost;Database=master;Port=1433;UID=sa;PWD=Admin@1234') cursor_pypyodbc = cnxn_pypyodbc.cursor() ######## Create table to store binary files sql = """ Use [msdb];...
Hello all, When I try to fetchall the result from a select request, some rows, with null values, shows value from previous line. Context: - I am using a HFSQL...
On Apple Silicon homebew prefix is no longer `/usr/local` but `/opt/homebrew` this causes pypyodbc to fail: ``` > python -m pypyodbc Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/stephane/.pyenv/versions/3.10.2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/", line 428,...
I've noticed that there are cases where Boolean values are not handled consistently. Many ODBC drivers present these as an integer data type with a value of 0 or 1....
This PR introduces a GitHub Actions workflow. When you **publish** a new GitHub release, this workflow... 1. takes the version number from the release tag, for example "v1.4.0dev1". 2. injects...
I'm testing pypyodbc with pypy 5.10.1 (python 3.5.3 equivalent) to connect to Progress Openedge database, but when i do `cx = pyodbc.connect("DSN=myConnection")` I got `pypyodbc.ProgrammingError: ('', 'SQL_INVALID_HANDLE')` The same program...
Comparing this project latest release version v1.3.6 ( and PyPi latest version v1.3.6 ( show up several differences (ignoring whitespaces).
I make a request to select sorted data from a dbf file When trying to write data to another dbf file using Microsoft Access dBASE Driver, I get pypyodbc.Error: ('HY104',...
In our database, our TimeField is recorded as `HH:MM`. The `tm_cvt` function assumes that if the field isn't null/empty then it has a format of `HH:MM:SS.XXXXXX`. This is causing a...