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PEP 541 Request: Requests for projects owned by user etingof
Project to be claimed
See below
Your PyPI username
Reasons for the request
Grouping of 13 PEP 541 requests for projects:
pysnmp-mibs pysnmp-apps pysnmpcrypto snmpfwd snmpreceiver snmpdiscoverer snmpresponder pysmi snmpsim snmpsim-data snmpsim-control-plane snmpclitools pysnmp
All of them owned by the same user Ilya Etingof (@entingof). But sadly he passed away a few months ago, as announced here.
The packages are dependencies for many open source software or tools used by many of my clients and a broader community. I'd like to take ownership of the packages and keep them up-to-date.
I have contacted owners of several forks, but either no reply or they are not interested in taking over the ecosystem. I also contacted Yeray who has previously requested project ownership in ticket
Please add me as admin to the projects on PyPI and Test PyPI.
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Maintenance or replacement?
Source code repositories URLs
Ilya's repos
new repos owned by me
Contact and additional research
The previous owner Ilya Etingof (@entingof) passed away a few months ago, as announced here.
I already outlined the complete plan to take over the ownership of the entire ecosystem, as documented
and contacted parties that might be interested in owning the pieces,
- Splunk (limited interest in taking over all the pieces)
- inexio (no response)
Code of Conduct
- [X] I agree to follow the PSF Code of Conduct
My team have published several new releases of lextudio/pysnmp
and lextudio/snmpsim
in the past two months.
Now this request long passed the six-week reachability phase, so any update on whether to move on to next phase?
Hi @lextm, I don't feel comfortable simply assigning you as owner of all these projects. As explained by @tiran these are critical security projects so I'm going to defer to a @pypi/warehouse-admins.
@yeraydiazdiaz Thanks for at least responding with the progress.
inexio (no response)
I think this person (@Lostboi on GitHub) previously filed PEP 541 requests which have been aggregated here:
@di I was writing about the company of inexio GmbH, which was once the sponsor of Ilya, and was trying to fork and maintain the documentation site as well as some repos that their products depend on, such as snmpsim.
I wrote to both [email protected] and [email protected] in Nov 2022, but never got a reply.
It is not clear to me what's the relationship between inexio GmbH and @Lostboi except what you might find under #802, where @Lostboi seemed to request package ownership on behalf of inexio.
Hey guys, yes i was trying to get the ownership of the packages on behalf of inexio, since Ilya did not answer us anymore, and the project seems not to be continued. So we decided to try to maintain the whole snmpsim project. Sadly we didnt got the time to maintain the project further, and i am not working for inexio anymore.
I know that [email protected] does not answer because they dont know whom they could address the task.
Since Ilya has unfortunately passed away, I would think it best that the co-worker (e.g. of Ilya maintain the project as far as they can, because of the security relevant topics.
While this request is being further reviewed, I'd like to ask for clarity on how the security risks are being evaluated.
The original comment left by @tiran contains several key points,
- "I'm confident that he will be back in the future". At that time June 2021, likely the original owner could be back. Now we know that's not the case.
- " was created less than a year ago". I wonder if that's a fair way to evaluate a company account. inexio GmbH was founded in 2007 according to file, but only started to publish PyPI packages in 2020. I am in a similar situation that I entered the SNMP business in 2008, founded my company in 2018, and just started to publish PyPI packages in 2020.
- The claim of "packages are used in security critical infrastructure" is also interesting. While
related packages might have bigger impact on security side as their consumer base is much larger, the packages listed here forpysnmp
have much smaller impact. While "SNMP is typically used in enterprise environments to control and monitor hardware like routers and switches", my question is how many of them are using PySNMP but not other SNMP implementations out there? Personally I have been managing the most popular C# SNMP open source library with more than 1.2 million downloads since 2008, so I do understand how to run an open source project in this field.
I'm curious if there is an update or if any consensus has been reached? Ilya was on my team when he went on leave to never return, and I can say with certainty that he wouldn't want to see pysnmp fragment. Pysnmp for Ilya was much more a project out of passion instead of work funded by any specific employer. As someone who is looking for the next logical path with pysnmp because I have partners using it in driver code today, I really hope a forward path can be reached. One aspect which comes to mind is passion. To me, it seems like @lextm is approaching this with passion, which reminds me so very much of Ilya. 😢
As a casual, interested observer, this request appears to be stalled, to our collective detriment. In the interests of the PySNMP project and its constituent components, the projects that depend on them, and the broader PyPI community, I would seek greater clarity on the status of this request relative to the PEP 541 process.
Starting from the top, the section on Reachability stipulates that "the maintainers" (meaning those who operate PyPI) "will try to [contact the user] at least three times" (where "the user" is evidently one who is able to publish material to a PyPI project, and "contact" is by email according to one of three defined addresses). I have to identify evidence linked from this request to show that the maintainers have carried out this step. If this step has been completed, could a maintainer please post evidence here? If not, what is preventing progress?
I welcome enlightenment on points I have failed to sufficiently grasp.
Hi - I'd like to re-raise this request. I think passing ownership to @lextm makes sense, for a few reasons. There appear to be two active forks of PySNMP; besides (currently pip install pysnmp-lextudio
), the other is (pip install pysnmplib
). But that one has pointed people at Lex's fork for feature requests (e.g., pysnmp/pysnmp#40), and they have not raised a request to take over the PyPI name pysnmp
Furthermore, the pysnmp GitHub organization also has its own fork of pyasn1, published as pip install pysnmp-pyasn1
. This was necessary because Ilya Etingof was also the maintainer of pyasn1, and in fact Lex also had forked it (as pip install pyasn1-lextudio
). But ownership of pyasn1 was transferred in #2090 and maintenance has been continued, and Lex's project now depends on the standard one (lextudio/pysnmp@924a022cb7c4d23cd9dbb88cd78696725d3fae39), whereas pysnmplib continues to depend on their fork.
If I understand correctly, you cannot have both pysnmplib
and the standard pyasn1
in your transitive requirements, because both pysnmp-pyasn1
and the standard pyasn1
use the same importable name import pyasn1
. So, the other fork is essentially not usable in the broader ecosystem. This was reported as pysnmp/pysnmp#51 but there has not been any response.
But you can have pysnmp-lextudio
and pyasn1
coinstalled. So, I think transferring the ownership to @lextm is consistent with the PyPI project's previous decision in #2090 and is the best thing for the ecosystem.
I also agree with the point above that @tiran's statement about security sensitivity is more about pyasn1 than pysnmp - yes, pysnmp is used in security-sensitive contexts, but pyasn1 is very widely used and the risk of passing it to someone untrustworthy is much, much higher.
To the most recent question about contact: the user cannot be contacted due to his death, and so this step is moot.
But I don't know what the next step is, then. Can a PyPI maintainer comment on what needs to be done, please?
(@tiran, since you specifically requested a hold on transferring Ilya's projects in #1104, would you mind sharing thoughts on what should happen with pysnmp and more generally the non-pyasn1 projects?)
While this request remains pending, projects have migrated to the *-lextudio
forks in the past few months. Below is not intended to be a complete list but the momentum is clear.
Name | |
OpenStack | |
Checkmk | |
Home Assistant | |
Genie libs | |
brother | |
Proliantutils | |
labgrid | |
snimpy |
We could not reach Ilya, and we consider his projects abandoned per PEP 541. We recommend that the PyPI Administrators assign @lextm as the new owner of the following projects, and we confirm that the community is already using Lex's forks in considerable numbers:
Please note that Ilya used two accounts on PyPI. The main one's and the other is We determined this is the same person, as corroborated by the fact multiple projects list both accounts as an owner, and the remaining projects use the ilya
account but also list the [email protected] address in the package metadata.
Disclaimer: We are providing support to the PyPI Administrators to validate this request and make a recommendation on the outcome and actions to be taken. Final determination will be made by the PyPI Administrators when our process is complete.
- Added 'lextm' as 'Owner' on 'pysnmp-mibs'
- Added 'lextm' as 'Owner' on 'pysnmp-apps'
- Added 'lextm' as 'Owner' on 'pysnmpcrypto'
- Added 'lextm' as 'Owner' on 'snmpfwd'
- Added 'lextm' as 'Owner' on 'snmpreceiver'
- Added 'lextm' as 'Owner' on 'snmpdiscoverer'
- Added 'lextm' as 'Owner' on 'snmpresponder'
- Added 'lextm' as 'Owner' on 'pysmi'
- Added 'lextm' as 'Owner' on 'snmpsim'
- Added 'lextm' as 'Owner' on 'snmpsim-data'
- Added 'lextm' as 'Owner' on 'snmpsim-control-plane'
- Added 'lextm' as 'Owner' on 'snmpclitools'
- Added 'lextm' as 'Owner' on 'pysnmp'
None of the listed projects exist.