Pierre-Yves Lapersonne
Pierre-Yves Lapersonne
As a developer, I want to have a list of dependencies with for each of them the hypothetic GitHub repository, the licence and a kind of "score" of confidence about...
As a GItHub administrator, I want to find dead or inactive for a long time projects (let's say: 1 year at least) So that I can set them as "archived"...
_As a GitHub administrator I want to easily add the "Archives" team to archived projects So that I can filter all projects and have a better look on them_
_As a GItHub administrator I want to have list of repositories where state have changed So that I can see if someone make updates with our without consent_ Here **state**...
As a GitHub administrator, I want to dump and diff users of all repositories So that I can check if some unexpected users have been added or not, or have...
As a GitLab administrator, I want to find dead or inactive for a long time projects (let's say: 1 year at least) So that I can set them as "archived"...
Some error might occur during clone of git repositories and seems to to be maanged properly. See bellow some anonymized logs (cleaned data are in [%%]): ```text Cloning (73 /...
Today scripts are quite isolated but use relative paths, so if we point to projects outside the garbage-name-data folder, scripts may fail. Using only absolute paths may be better.
_As a GitHub administrator I want to check in all repositories of my GitHub organisation if lasts commits don't have been signed-off So that I will be able to contact...
_As a GitHub administrator I want to check if there are projects in my organisation without copyrights in source code So that I can contact project maintainers to ask them...