pgi copied to clipboard
NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE')
Looks like there are some differences here:
>>> from gi.repository import Pango
>>> Pango.FontDescription("Helvetica-Bold")
>>> import pgi
>>> pgi.install_as_gi()
>>> from gi.repository import Pango
>>> Pango.FontDescription("Helvetica-Bold")
>>> ----> 1 Pango.FontDescription("Helvetica-Bold")
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
I was able to get a bit further by using Pango.FontDescription.from_string(..) instead of the constructor the next unimplemented thing seems to the interface type:
NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE')
Pango.FontDescription doesn't take any args. The difference is that gi ignores them while pgi errors out. But pgi should still match it.
Pango.FontDescription.from_string works here. What did you do to get the error?
from_string worked fine, I used it instead of passing the font info to the constructor, like in this example:
I'll get some minimal code together to reproduce the other error.
The INTERFACE bug can be triggered using PangoCairo create_layout
Im not near my computer now, but there is an example here that should trigger it:
Minimum code to trigger PangoCairo layout caboom:
import cairo
from gi.repository import PangoCairo
surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 100, 100)
cr = cairo.Context(surface)
NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-f25111c28371> in <module>()
9 cr = cairo.Context(surface)
---> 10 PangoCairo.create_layout(cr)
/mnt/data/home/stu/.virtualenvs/shoebot-pgi/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pgi/module.pyc in __getattr__(self, name)
82 cls = _attr_list[info.type.value]
83 if cls:
---> 84 attr = cls(info)
85 setattr(self, name, attr)
86 else:
/mnt/data/home/stu/.virtualenvs/shoebot-pgi/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pgi/function.pyc in FunctionAttribute(info)
11 def FunctionAttribute(info):
---> 12 return generate_function(info)
/mnt/data/home/stu/.virtualenvs/shoebot-pgi/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pgi/codegen/funcgen.pyc in generate_function(info, method)
332 return func
--> 334 raise NotImplementedError("\n".join(messages))
NotImplementedError: cffi: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/data/home/stu/.virtualenvs/shoebot-pgi/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pgi/codegen/", line 325, in generate_function
return_type, method)
File "/mnt/data/home/stu/.virtualenvs/shoebot-pgi/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pgi/codegen/", line 207, in _generate_function
block = arg.pre_call()
File "/mnt/data/home/stu/.virtualenvs/shoebot-pgi/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pgi/codegen/", line 357, in pre_call
var = self.get_type()
File "/mnt/data/home/stu/.virtualenvs/shoebot-pgi/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pgi/codegen/", line 109, in get_type
self.type, desc=self.desc, may_be_null=self.may_be_null)
File "/mnt/data/home/stu/.virtualenvs/shoebot-pgi/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pgi/codegen/", line 404, in get_type
return get_type(type_, self._gen, desc, may_be_null, may_return_null)
File "/mnt/data/home/stu/.virtualenvs/shoebot-pgi/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pgi/codegen/", line 95, in get_type
raise NotImplementedError(e)
NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE')
ctypes: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/data/home/stu/.virtualenvs/shoebot-pgi/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pgi/codegen/", line 325, in generate_function
return_type, method)
File "/mnt/data/home/stu/.virtualenvs/shoebot-pgi/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pgi/codegen/", line 220, in _generate_function
File "/mnt/data/home/stu/.virtualenvs/shoebot-pgi/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pgi/codegen/ctypes_backend/", line 107, in get_function
"Library doesn't provide symbol: %s" % symbol)
NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_create_layout
Here's a little test program to check coverage of gi.* APIs, would it be useful to include something like this into PGI itself ?
I guess I could extend it to check all available gi.repository libraries on the system
# find pgi coverage of a gi.repository module
# you need to have access to both 'gi' and 'pgi' in the current python
# environment.
# In a virtualenv this works:
# $ pip install pgi
# $ pip install
def test_pgi_coverage(gi_module, pgi_module):
name_width = len(max(dir(gi_module), key=len))
print('PGI coverage')
print('%s %s' % (gi_module.__name__.rjust(name_width), pgi_module.__name__))
for name in dir(gi_module):
if name.startswith('_'):
status = 'OK'
getattr(pgi_module, name)
except NotImplementedError as e:
#status = "FAIL: '%s'" % str(e.__class__.__name__)
status = "FAIL"
for line in str(e).splitlines():
if line.startswith('NotImplementedError:'):
status = status + " " + line
print("%s\t%s" % (name.rjust(name_width), status))
if __name__=='__main__':
from pgi.repository import PangoCairo as PGI_PangoCairo
from gi.repository import PangoCairo as GI_PangoCairo
test_pgi_coverage(GI_PangoCairo, PGI_PangoCairo)
PGI coverage
gi.repository.PangoCairo PangoCairo
FcFontMap OK
Font OK
FontMap OK
context_get_font_options FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_context_get_font_options
context_get_resolution FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_context_get_resolution
context_set_font_options FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_context_set_font_options
context_set_resolution FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_context_set_resolution
context_set_shape_renderer FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_context_set_shape_renderer
create_context FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_create_context
create_layout FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_create_layout
error_underline_path FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_error_underline_path
font_map_get_default FAIL NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_font_map_get_default NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_font_map_get_default
font_map_new FAIL NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_font_map_new NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_font_map_new
font_map_new_for_font_type FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_font_map_new_for_font_type
glyph_string_path FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_glyph_string_path
layout_line_path FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_layout_line_path
layout_path FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_layout_path
show_error_underline FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_show_error_underline
show_glyph_item FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_show_glyph_item
show_glyph_string FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_show_glyph_string
show_layout FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_show_layout
show_layout_line FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_show_layout_line
update_context FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_update_context
update_layout FAIL NotImplementedError: ('type: %r', 'INTERFACE') NotImplementedError: Library doesn't provide symbol: pango_cairo_update_layout
I changed the name of the bug, as this seems to be anything that uses INTERFACE. I've extended the above script to loop through all typelibs it can find.
It has skips at least one module it has trouble importing (ideally I guess it should create a new python instance to try each new import).