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💎 Ruby wrapper for Pygments syntax highlighter

= {project-name} Ted Nyman [email protected]; Aman Gupta [email protected]; Marat Radchenko [email protected] :project-name: pygments.rb :slug: pygments/{project-name} :uri-project:{slug} :uri-ci: {uri-project}/actions?query=branch%3Amaster :uri-gem:{project-name} :uri-pygments:

image:{project-name}.svg[Latest Release,link={uri-gem}] image:{uri-project}/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master[Build Status,link={uri-ci}]

== Introduction

{project-name} is a Ruby wrapper for {uri-pygments}[Pygments] syntax highlighter.

{project-name} works by talking over a simple pipe to a long-lived Python child process. This library replaces[github/albino], as well as an older version of {project-name} that used an embedded Python interpreter.

Each Ruby process that runs has its own 'personal Python'; for example, 4 Unicorn workers will have one Python process each. If a Python process dies, a new one will be spawned on the next pygments.rb request.

== System Requirements

  • Python >= 3.5
  • Ruby >= 2.3

== Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:


gem 'pygments.rb'

And then execute:

[source,shell script]

$ bundle install

Or install pygments.rb gem yourself as:

[source,shell script]

$ gem install pygments.rb

== Usage

Require pygments.rb module:


require 'pygments'

Highlight a file:


Pygments.highlight(, lexer: 'ruby')

Optionally, pass encoding and other lexer/formatter options via an :options hash:


Pygments.highlight('code', options: {encoding: 'utf-8'})

pygments.rb uses HTML formatter by default. To use a different formatter, specify it via :formatter parameter:


Pygments.highlight('code', formatter: 'bbcode') Pygments.highlight('code', formatter: 'terminal')

To generate CSS for HTML formatted code, use the Pygments.css method:


Pygments.css Pygments.css('.highlight')

To use a specific pygments style, pass the :style option to the Pygments.css method:


Pygments.css(style: 'monokai')

Other Pygments high-level API methods are also available. These methods return arrays detailing all the available lexers, formatters, and styles:


Pygments.lexers Pygments.formatters Pygments.styles

To use a custom pygments installation, specify the path to Pygments.start:



If you'd like logging, set the environmental variable MENTOS_LOG to a file path for your logfile.

You can apply a timeout to pygments.rb calls by specifying number of seconds in MENTOS_TIMEOUT environmental variable or by passing the :timeout argument (takes precedence over MENTOS_TIMEOUT):


Pygments.highlight('code', timeout: 4)

== Benchmarks

$ ruby bench.rb 50 Benchmarking.... Size: 698 bytes Iterations: 50 user system total real pygments popen 0.010000 0.010000 0.020000 ( 0.460370) pygments popen (process already started) 0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 ( 0.272975) pygments popen (process already started 2) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.273589)

$ ruby bench.rb 10 Benchmarking.... Size: 15523 bytes Iterations: 10 user system total real pygments popen 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.819419) pygments popen (process already started) 0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 ( 0.676515) pygments popen (process already started 2) 0.000000 0.010000 0.010000 ( 0.674189)

== Development

After checking out the repo, run bundle install to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rake test to run the tests.

== Copyright

Copyright (C) Ted Nyman, Aman Gupta, Marat Radchenko, 2012-2021. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the MIT License.

For the full text of the license, see the link:LICENSE[] file.