galgebra copied to clipboard
expression like 1/<Mv> raise exception
The current Mv class missing an implementation of the __ rtruediv __ method, it makes a simple expression like 1/I (where I is the pseudoscalar multivector) raise exception because the integer/float class clearly can't handle division by a Mv object. It is not a functional issue but a great QoL improvement if the Mv class implements the __ rtruediv __ method.
@mammalwong Can you also post minimal working example for this issue? Thanks!
To reproduce:
ga = Ga('e', g=[1,1,1], coords=S.symbols(f"0:{3}", real=True), wedge=False)
ex,ey,ez =
throws exception:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-0aacfa68a149> in <cell line: 3>()
1 ga = Ga('e', g=[1,1,1], coords=S.symbols(f"0:{3}", real=True), wedge=False)
2 ex,ey,ez =
----> 3 1/ex
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'Mv'