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Question - Filter rules & intended behavior
@vsoch - We came across a possible issue today with how filter rules are applied.
In the sample dicom recipe, there are many filter rules defined such as below: deid.dicom - line 26
LABEL LightSpeed Localizers # (Susan Weber)
contains ManufacturerModelName LightSpeed VCT
+ contains Modality CT
+ contains ImageType LOCAL || contains SeriesDescription Localizer
coordinates 0,0,80,85
My expectation was that this rule would be applied as: ManufacturerModelName contains "LightSpeed VCT" and Modality contains "CT" and (ImageType contains LOCAL or SeriesDescription contains Localizer)
Instead it was applied as below (without grouping the or condition): ManufacturerModelName contains "LightSpeed VCT" and Modality contains "CT" and ImageType contains LOCAL or SeriesDescription contains Localizer
As a result of this, we greylisted an MRI that had a SeriesDescription of "Localizer".
I suspect this is a bug - and that lines within a filter rule should be considered "grouped", but wanted to check with you first. If you agree this is a bug, I can work on it (although I won't be able to start for a couple weeks). Since we were deidentifying an MRI, we simply removed the two filter rules which were incorrectly hit to get around the current issue.
Agree they should be grouped! Please take your time and ping me to chat more!