pydelhi_mobile copied to clipboard
Mobile App for PyDelhi
PyDelhiConf India 2023 Application
Mobile App for PyConIndia
Kivy Installation:
Install from pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
To test install kivy and run the following::
$ python eventsapp/ -m screen:droid2,portrait -m inspector
$ python3 eventsapp/ -m screen:droid2,portrait -m inspector
Help on screens
To change images in app
- Paste/change the image in pydelhi_mobile/tools/theming
- Change your directory to pydelhi_mobile
- Run command
make theming
This command will aggregate all the png images in your file to one atlas from which the images are loaded.
to make apk prefer linux
- Install buildozer: pip install buildozer
- Edit the buildozer.spec to specify if you have android ndk and sdk, if not they will be automatically be downloaded by the next step.
- Connect your mobile, enable usb debugging, Then goto pydelhi_mobile
folder and type
make apk
Link to a existing vm that can be re-used will be added for convenience.
to make ipa for ios **
- Install XCode with latest updates & latest command line tools
- pip install buildozer
- goto the app folder and do
buildozer init
- edit the buildoze.spec and add details for ios
- run
buildozer ios debug
** Release Notes **
*** Enjoy ***