pandas-datareader copied to clipboard
I keep getting this error from yahoo
When I run the code it keeps getting me this error
import pandas_datareader as web
import datetime as dt
start = dt.datetime(2019,1,1)
end =
data = web.DataReader('TSLA', 'yahoo', start, end)
data = j["context"]["dispatcher"]["stores"]["HistoricalPriceStore"]
TypeError: string indices must be integers
Do You know when it will be fixed??
Check issue #952 , waiting on some help to get it accepted for PR #953
Yeah, +1 for this.. Unable to fetch the data..
Devs ,,Please help..!!
Not posting for attention--attempting to get a shared vision of the crux of this issue for the REAL devs to solve.
Please view comment to shed light on both (i) indices must be integers, and (ii) new_j is not referenced
Try declaring global variables for new_j and/or data in
- Understand how {} and grave symbol (i.e.,
curly braces
andgrave symbol (above tab key)
) can be used in python. - Understand how
spread operator [...]
plays a role in Yahoo Finances' backend architecture.
+1 for this issue. Code that was previously working is now broken.
I think this project is not maintained anymore.
error still exists. sadge.
+1 for this issue