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Clarification on Root Path Access and Integration with FastAPI Returning JSON String
Issue Description: I'm exploring FastUI in combination with FastAPI and encountered a couple of issues that I would like some clarification on:
Accessing the Root Path (/) Without Explicit Definition: In the FastUI README example, there is no explicit route defined for the root path /, yet the application is accessible at this path. How is this behavior achieved? Is there an implicit route handling for / that serves the FastUI frontend, or is there another mechanism at play?
Integration with FastAPI Returning JSON String Instead of Rendering UI: When integrating FastUI with FastAPI, I noticed that accessing certain paths expected to render UI components instead returns a JSON string representation of those components. Here's a simplified example illustrating the issue:
`from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse from fastui import FastUI, AnyComponent, prebuilt_html, components as c from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
app = FastAPI()
class User(BaseModel): id: int name: str dob: date = Field(title='Date of Birth')
@app.get("/api/", response_model=FastUI, response_model_exclude_none=True) def users_table() -> list[AnyComponent]: # Implementation details...
@app.get('/{path:path}') async def html_landing() -> HTMLResponse: """Expected to serve the FastUI frontend but returns JSON instead.""" return HTMLResponse(prebuilt_html(title='FastUI Demo'))`
I expected the /api/ endpoint to serve UI components, but it returns a JSON string. Similarly, the root path / handled by html_landing is expected to render the FastUI frontend but shows the JSON output. Is this the intended behavior, or am I missing a configuration step to render the UI properly?
Any guidance on these issues would be greatly appreciated. Also, I'm curious if there's a recommended way to integrate FastUI with FastAPI to ensure UI components are rendered as expected rather than returned as JSON strings.
my create env step:
micromamba create -n fastui_env -c conda-forge fastui python=3 nodejs yarn uvicorn pydantic pandas pyarrow pyyaml ipython jupyter ipykernel -y mkdir fastui_project && cd fastui_project yarn init -y yarn add @pydantic/fastui @pydantic/fastui-bootstrap @pydantic/fastui-prebuilt