Daniel Roy Greenfeld
Daniel Roy Greenfeld
Related to #12
Until we get our tables sorted out this isn't possible to fix. We'll revisit the tables tomorrow.
Whoops! Nice catch. Changed to `from io import StringIO`
I'm not really certain this, as it is very project specific. We can't cover all use cases. We'll think about it.
Looks really exciting! I want to use it! I have some questions about package and project infrastructure. Please see my quick issue at https://github.com/rewardz/django_model_helpers/issues/7
Why not `supervisord`? I'm not opposed to pm2, but isn't that for Node?
Those reference areas are still under review. We'll put in a notice in our issues and the next update that these will be updated shortly.
Added to resources appendix, will add to bottleneck chapter later.
@mathemaat Can you give me your full name so I can attribute you correctly?