jenkinsapi copied to clipboard
jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.UnknownJob in 0.3.11
- Bug Report
Jenkinsapi VERSION
jobs are not anymore found. This was working with the release 0.3.6
We have a smal program to catch information from our Jenkins :
Import jenkinsapi from jenkinsapi.jenkins import Jenkins
J=Jenkins('',User,'PassWord') J.keys()
it returns :
['http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'http:/http:/', 'AutoUpdate/NightlyCheck', 'AutoUpdate/NightlyCheck_Asap2Files', 'AutoUpdate/NightlyCheck_BusAdpr', 'AutoUpdate/NightlyCheck_CustCpt', 'AutoUpdate/NightlyCheck_DiagcMgr', 'AutoUpdate/NightlyCheck_FltMgr', 'AutoUpdate/NightlyCheck_Imob', 'AutoUpdate/NightlyCheck_MagnaBswGen2', 'AutoUpdate/NightlyCheck_SftyIgbtMgr', 'AutoUpdate/NightlyCheck_SftyMcuMonrLvl3', 'AutoUpdate/NightlyCheck_SftyStrtUpLvHvFct', 'AutoUpdate/NightlyCheck_SftySysProtnFast', 'CodeProver/CodeProverBusAdpr', 'CodeProver/CodeProverCustCpt', 'CodeProver/CodeProverDbgLed', 'CodeProver/CodeProverDiagcMgr', 'CodeProver/CodeProverDsadcCal', 'CodeProver/CodeProverEdi200xAs', 'CodeProver/CodeProverEdiStM', 'CodeProver/CodeProverEol', 'CodeProver/CodeProverFltColl', 'CodeProver/CodeProverFltMgr', 'CodeProver/CodeProverGpt12', 'CodeProver/CodeProverHwTst', 'CodeProver/CodeProverImob', 'CodeProver/CodeProverIntegration', 'CodeProver/CodeProverIoHwAb', 'CodeProver/CodeProverIoHwAb_Adc', 'CodeProver/CodeProverIoHwAb_Dma', 'CodeProver/CodeProverIoHwAb_HVLD', 'CodeProver/CodeProverIoHwAb_I', 'CodeProver/CodeProverIoHwAb_Icu', 'CodeProver/CodeProverIoHwAb_Pos', 'CodeProver/CodeProverIoHwAb_Pwm', 'CodeProver/CodeProverIoHwAb_T', 'CodeProver/CodeProverIoHwAb_U', 'CodeProver/CodeProverIoHwAb_UART', 'CodeProver/CodeProverIoHwAb_WhlSpd', 'CodeProver/CodeProverMagnaBswGen2', 'CodeProver/CodeProverPECGlb', 'CodeProver/CodeProverPIC', 'CodeProver/CodeProverPwm_53_Gtm', 'CodeProver/CodeProverRslvStM', 'CodeProver/CodeProverScu', 'CodeProver/CodeProverSftyBusAdpr', 'CodeProver/CodeProverSftyIgbtMgr', 'CodeProver/CodeProverSftyIoHwAb', 'CodeProver/CodeProverSftyIoHwAb_T_EM', 'CodeProver/CodeProverSftyMcuMonrLvl3', 'CodeProver/CodeProverSftySharedMem', 'CodeProver/CodeProverSftyStrtUpLvHvFct', 'CodeProver/CodeProverSftySysProtnFast', 'CodeProver/CodeProverStrtUp', 'CodeProver/CodeProverTimer', 'CodeProver/CodeProverUcb', 'CodeProver/CodeProverVADC', 'CodeProver/UploadMetricToServer']
all the job located here are not found
here a screnshot :
if we try to get a job :
job = J['BugFinderBusAdpr'] Traceback (most recent call last): File "
", line 1, in File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\jenkinsapi\", line 269, in getitem return[jobname] File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\jenkinsapi\", line 89, in getitem raise UnknownJob(job_name) jenkinsapi.custom_exceptions.UnknownJob: 'BugFinderBusAdpr'
This script was working corretly with the release 0.3.6
could you help me ? Thanks Best Regards Pierre
We had the same problem when using 0.3.11 version of jenkinsapi. Reverting to 0.3.9 removed the problem.
Right now we had to fix the version of jenkinsapi to 0.3.9.
Facing the same issue but I had the same version 0.3.11 when things were working for me now suddenly its not working the only difference is that in my case is that I changed the jenkins servers but the pipeline remains same and I am able to find my deployed pipeline in .keys()
+1 to this issue of not being able to find the job on 0.3.11. Using 0.3.9 resolved that issue.
I had the same problem when I redeployed to another server. The workaround of backing out to v3.9 worked for me then. That was over a year ago. Now, I've redeployed again and backing out to 3.9 does not work. I really don't understand what's going on. It appears the jobs method is a property that is dynamically populated. I don't know much about @property, but reading the code isn't straight forward for me. Not familiar with this.
I saw a post somewhere that a workaround was this: = self.poll().get('jobs', [])
As it turns out, that, indeed populates the jobs._data, but not in a format that would accept a jobname as an index (which our code was doing before). Worse, the code seems to be referencing job_container._data. Both exist when I look in a debugger.