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Tutorials or better demos to manipulate annotations
I'm trying to understand how PyPDF2 works with existing annotation objects, such as highlights, and Popups. The demos provided don't show how to _add_ new DictionaryObjects
to the current list of annotations. I believe my problem resides around not having a way to obtain (find out) idnum
for the new object that it's needed by its parent's to refer to. Here is what I've been doing so far... (To be honest, I gave up looking at the code inside
because it's taking too long at the moment)
from typing import cast
from PyPDF2 import PdfReader, PdfWriter
from PyPDF2.generic import ArrayObject
writer = PdfWriter()
reader = PdfReader("commented.pdf")
# print how many pages input1 has:
print(f"document1.pdf has {len(reader.pages)} pages.")
# add page 1 from input1 to output document, unchanged
page = reader.pages[0]
annots = cast(ArrayObject, page["/Annots"])
annot0 = annots[0].getObject()
annot1 = annots[1].getObject()
annot2 = annots[2].getObject()
annot3 = annots[3].getObject()
annot4 = annots[4].getObject()
# TEST: changing postition of the Popup's rectangle (Works!)
from PyPDF2.generic import *
popup_size = (180, 120)
rect = RectangleObject(annot0["/Rect"])
rect_x0 = rect.left
rect_y0 =
NameObject("/Open"): BooleanObject(False),
NameObject("/Rect"): RectangleObject(
[rect_x0, rect_y0, rect_x0 + popup_size[0], rect_y0 + popup_size[1]]
# Test make new Popup Annotation
rect = RectangleObject(annot1["/Rect"])
rect_x0 = rect.left
rect_y0 =
popup = DictionaryObject()
NameObject("/Type"): NameObject("/Annot"),
NameObject("/Subtype"): NameObject("/Popup"),
NameObject("/Parent"): IndirectObject(
15, 0, reader
), # TODO: How to find the parent's idnum? Manually: this is 15 for this object
NameObject("/Open"): BooleanObject(False),
NameObject("/Rect"): RectangleObject(
[rect_x0, rect_y0, rect_x0 + popup_size[0], rect_y0 + popup_size[1]]
NameObject("/F"): NumberObject(28), # The type of object? A popup?
popup_ref = writer._add_object(popup)
if "/Annots" in page:
page[NameObject("/Annots")] = ArrayObject([popup_ref])
# Adding the reference to its new popup:
{NameObject("/Popup"): popup_ref} # TODO: put the number for the new reference
annots_ref = writer._add_object(annots)
writer.add_page(page) # FIXME: not adding the new Popup annotation
# finally, write "output" to document-output.pdf
with open("PyPDF2-output.pdf", "wb") as fp:
P.S: My motivation for this little script is to give it to users of docear since mind-mapping of highlights requires retroactively adding missing popups to highlight annotations (in adobe acrobat) like the proprietary program done by this guy.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm currently working on better documentation for PyPDF2, and I intend for it to feature plenty of examples/demos that might answer questions like yours
Hi, just want to follow up on this issue. Are there demos/examples for adding annotations?
Here is an example for creating a highlight:
@mstamy2 are you interested in adding methods for highlights? I can provide a pull request.
Tried to add a new method in
def hex_to_rgb(value):
return tuple(int(value[i:i+2], 16)/255.0 for i in (0, 2 ,4))
and a method in PdfFileWriter class
def addFreeTextAnno(self, pagenum, txt, rect, font="Helvetica", bold=False,
italic=False, fontSize="14pt", fontColor="ff0000",
borderColor="ff0000", bgColor="ffffff"):
Times New Roman
bold italic
\r return code
frtxt = DictionaryObject()
NameObject('/Type'): NameObject('/Annot'),
NameObject('/Subtype'): NameObject('/FreeText'),
NameObject('/P'): pageLink,
NameObject('/Rect'): RectangleObject(rect),
NameObject('/Contents'): TextStringObject(txt),
#font size color
NameObject('/DS'): TextStringObject("font: bold italic Times New Roman 20pt;color:#ff0000"),
#border color
NameObject('/DA'): TextStringObject("1 0 0 rg "),
#background color
NameObject('/C'): ArrayObject([FloatObject(1), FloatObject(1), FloatObject(1)])
pageLink = self.getObject(self._pages)['/Kids'][pagenum]
pageRef = self.getObject(pageLink)
fontStr = "font: "
if bold == True : fontStr = fontStr + "bold "
if italic == True : fontStr = fontStr + "italic "
fontStr = fontStr + font + " " + fontSize
fontStr = fontStr + ";text-align:left;color:#" + fontColor
bgColorStr = ""
for st in hex_to_rgb(borderColor):
bgColorStr = bgColorStr + str(st) + " "
bgColorStr = bgColorStr + "rg"
frtxt = DictionaryObject()
NameObject('/Type'): NameObject('/Annot'),
NameObject('/Subtype'): NameObject('/FreeText'),
NameObject('/P'): pageLink,
NameObject('/Rect'): RectangleObject(rect),
NameObject('/Contents'): TextStringObject(txt),
#font size color
NameObject('/DS'): TextStringObject(fontStr),
#border color
NameObject('/DA'): TextStringObject(bgColorStr),
#background color
NameObject('/C'): ArrayObject([FloatObject(n) for n in hex_to_rgb(bgColor)])
lnkRef = self._addObject(frtxt)
if "/Annots" in pageRef:
pageRef[NameObject('/Annots')] = ArrayObject([lnkRef])
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter
and following is how to call that method.
def main():
output = PdfFileWriter()
input1 = PdfFileReader(file("aaa.pdf", "rb"))
numPages = input1.getNumPages()
for index in range(0, numPages):
pageObj = input1.getPage(index)
output.addFreeTextAnno(index, "My Free Text Annotate", [100,100,350,150],
bold=True, italic=True, fontSize="20pt", fontColor="ffffff", borderColor="ffaa00",
bgColor="000000", font="Times")
annot = pageObj["/Annots"][0].getObject()
annot1 = pageObj["/Annots"][1].getObject()
print annot
print annot1
output.write(open("xx.pdf", 'wb'))
And @snakemicro? Did it work?
Hoping someone can offer some assistance on font size/style.
I'm trying to detect when a value is too long for a field I've got & adjust the font size, but the font doesn't change.
# Add data to a page
page = pdf_writer.getPage(0)
pdf_writer.updatePageFormFieldValues(page, data_dict)
for j in range(0, len(page['/Annots'])):
writer_annot = page['/Annots'][j].getObject()
NameObject("/DS"): TextStringObject(
"font: 12.0pt; color:#E52237"
We might also want to add a PyPDF answer to
I've just added some basic examples. Feel free to add more by creating PRs :-)
The demo is here:
What I miss:
- How to read comments
- How to add comments (text + location)
- An overview over different types of annotations
@snakemicro I would add it :-) I just want to wait for some feedback.
@ubuntuslave @snakemicro I've started working on improving the situation in #1198 . Somehow the popup doesn't show... your help would be very appreciated :pray:
Number of files with at least one annotations in my big dataset:
:heavy_check_mark: /Link: 2694x
:x: /Widget: 431x -
:hourglass_flowing_sand: /Popup: 189x - - now #1665
:heavy_check_mark: /FreeText: 85x
:heavy_check_mark: /Text: 77x
:heavy_check_mark: /Square: 47x - #1388
/Stamp: 40x
/Highlight: 22x -
:heavy_check_mark: /Line: 22x
/DGAP:RedaxBox: 3x
:hourglass_flowing_sand: /Circle: 2x - #1556
/FileAttachment: 2x - don' confuse it with /EmbeddedFiles
/StrikeOut: 2x
/Underline: 2x
/Ink: 1x
/Caret: 1x
:heavy_check_mark: /Polygon - #1557