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Carplay does not work with Uncover in 14.5
Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is and what you expected to happen.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to '...'
- Click on '....'
- Scroll down to '....'
- See error
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Device (please complete the following information):
- iOS Version:
- iOS Device:
- unc0ver Version:
Place an "x" between the brackets if true:
- [x] this is a bug others will be able to reproduce
- [x] this issue is present with all tweaks uninstalled(except for default packages) or disabled
- [x] this issue is present after a rootfs restore
- [x] this issue is present on the latest version of unc0ver
Logs If applicable, add logs or error messages here. Hello good, after reinstalling the jailbreak twice from scratch in iphone 11 pro max in 14.5, I find a bug and it is that when doing the jailbreak the apple car play does not work and it also fails to find printers, when restarting the slide without jailbreak if The car play works, In different forums I have verified that there are michos with this problem so that if they can get there, what can it be or if they find a solution since it annoys that the carplay does not start, a greeting and thanks
IPhone12PM mobile phone .14.5 system, after jailbreaking with 7.0.2, the wireless CARplay cannot be connected, but the wired one can be connected. After the wireless connection, the indicator light on the car is also green, but the wireless CARPLAY cannot be connected to the car. Hope you can solve it. thanks
Para cuando una actualización 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I have the same issue mines an iPhone 11 Pro Max running iOS 14.5. In Jailbroken state it will not run wireless CarPlay but oddly enough will do wired CarPlay. When rebooting to get out of Jailbroken state & back to stock both wired & wireless functions work. I’ve tried everything to fix this I even restored rootfs & factory reset under: Settings, General, Reset, Erase All Content and Settings & set up fresh with no restored data then repeated the jailbreak process again and the problem still persists. I did this 10 times to be sure it was the jailbreak. “Running Unc0ver 7.0.2” latest at the moment.
Wireless carplay not working on v8.0.1 as well, wired carplay working. I have iPhone 11 Pro.
This appears to be an issue on iOS 14.5+ with jailbreaks. Taurine and unc0ver both worked fine on 14.3 with my wireless CarPlay but now, nothing. I can also confirm that AirDrop is also not working. iPhone Xs Max, 14.8.
Any updates? I really need my wireless CarPlay back. Its killing me that I cannot use my sound system in which I spent a fortune building. It bothers me having to unjailbreak and rejailbreak just to use my car. I really want to stay in jailbroken state at all times so I can run the things I installed in cydia mainly CarBridge so I can run Youtube natively on my stereo. I’ve been patiently waiting for about 3 months with no word. I just would like an update to at least be relieved its being addressed/completed or its current progress. Sorry if I come off as annoying that’s not intended I’m just beginning to become a little impatient with no updates.
Any updates? I really need my wireless CarPlay back. Its killing me that I cannot use my sound system in which I spent a fortune building. It bothers me having to unjailbreak and rejailbreak just to use my car. I really want to stay in jailbroken state at all times so I can run the things I installed in cydia mainly CarBridge so I can run Youtube natively on my stereo. I’ve been patiently waiting for about 3 months with no word. I just would like an update to at least be relieved its being addressed/completed or its current progress. Sorry if I come off as annoying that’s not intended I’m just beginning to become a little impatient with no updates.
I have the exact same scenario. Spent so much money on a new audio system, excited to jailbreak, jailbroke, then left with this crappy scenario. Wired CarPlay works but not wireless.
Exactly the same problem here..iphone xsmax 14.8 No AirPlay, no wireless connection with CarPlay and no airdrop. Very disappointed, is time to say bye bye jailbreak.
Don't update you will regret it. You're throwing away an untether jailbreak its been years since one has been released. If anything use your iPhone stock for now then use the jailbreak later. Untether may possibly be updated at a later point in time.
Don't update you will regret it. You're throwing away an untether jailbreak its been years since one has been released. If anything use your iPhone stock for now then use the jailbreak later. Untether may possibly be updated at a later point in time.
A12, 14.5.1+ does not have untether so, there may not be much lost tbh.
Still no updates it will be an 6 additional months by the time I get to use the jailbreak in the mean time I quit bothering to run the tool & stick with stock iOS as I got tired of rejailbreaking and unjailbreaking just to use my car. Does this mean Ill update No but am growing rather impatient been scouring twitter with nothing being posted from PWN either. Im not wanting necessarily an ETA but at least know whats being worked on maybe periodic updates because with everything dead & no posts this looks bad & makes it feel like nothing is currently being worked on.
if the developer cared about this problem, we would hear from him until now i guess. it is a shame to release something like that without letting people know the bug. Maybe i would not upgrade from 14.3 to 14.8 if i knew the shitty problem. lamf
Same problem here iPhone Xr ios 14.7.1 uncover 8.0.2 wireless CarPlay doesn’t work