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Random reboots

Open mudi47 opened this issue 4 years ago • 71 comments

My iPhone 8 on iOS 13.3 does hard RESTART after one jailbroken day... pls help!! Im on the last unc0ver version.

mudi47 avatar Mar 21 '20 23:03 mudi47

7-zip (POSIX): 16.02-1 A-Bypass: 1.0.5 Aperturize: 2.1.2 AppList: 1.5.15~beta1 APT (apt-key): 1.8.2-1 APT (libapt-pkg): 1.8.2-1 APT 0.7 Transitional: 1:0-2 APT 1.4 Transitional: 1:0 APT Strict (lib): 1.8.2-1 APT: 1.8.2-3 Arab-Cydia Icons: 1.4-1 Assuan: 2.5.1-1 azf Library: 1.0-1 BackupAZ 3 (iOS 10 - 13) Cracked: 1.7.1 Base Structure: 1-5 Berkeley DB: 6.2.32-1 BetterCCXI: 1.6.0 betterW: 1.1.7 BigBoss Icon Set: 1.0 Bourne-Again SHell: 5.0.3-2 Boxy 4 (iOS 13) Free: 4.1.1 bzip2: 1.0.6-1 CA Certs: 0.0.2 Carrierizer: 1.0.5 Cask: 0.2 CCSupport: 1.2.2 CellDia: 0.0~beta5 Cephei: 1.14 Choicy: 1.1.4 clang-10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 clang: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 Core Utilities (/bin): 8.31-1 Core Utilities: 8.31-1 CracksHelper: 100.3 CrashReporter (SparkDev): 1.17.2 cURL: 7.65.0-1 Cydia Installer: 1.1.32~b24 Cydia Translations: 1.1.32~b1 CyDown: 7.0.6 Cylinder: 1.1 Darwin CC Tools: 927.0.2-1 Darwin Tools: 1.1-1 Debian Packager: 1.19.7-1 Debian Utilities: 4.8.6-1 debugserver-10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 debugserver: 10-1 Diff Utilities: 3.6-1 diskdev-cmds: 593.221.1-1 DockX: 1.2 DzMohaipa Icons: 10.2 EverAK: 1.0 file: 5.35-2 Filza File Manager: 3.7.3-16k Find Utilities: 4.6.0-2 Flame: 1.3 FlyJB: 0.2.3~beta6 FoxFort Tools: 1.0.15 Gawk: 4.2.1-1 gettext: 0.19.8-1 Git: 2.20.0-1 GNU Cryptography: 1.8.3-1 GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library: 6.1.2-1 GnuPG Errors: 1.32-1 GnuPG: 2.2.11-2 GnuTLS: 3.5.19-1 grep: 3.1-1 gzip: 1.9-1 IconTweak Cracked: 1.0.5 iOS Firmware: 13.3 iPhone Firmware (/sbin): 0-1 Jailbreak Resources: 1.0~b27 jbctl: 0.2.3-1 KillX Pro Cracked: 2.1.2-1 KSBA: 1.3.5-1 Launch Daemon Controller: 23-1 ld64: 450.3-1 libc++-10-dev: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 libc++-dev: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 libclang-common-10-dev: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 libclang-cpp10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 libcolorpicker: 1.6.7 libcrashreport (SparkDev): 1.1.2 Liberty Lite (Beta): 0.2.12 libfoxfortutils: 1.0.14 libidn2: 6.1.2-1 libllvm10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 liblto10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 libnghttp2-14: 1.38.0-1 libpackageinfo (SparkDev): 1.1.4 libplist: 2.0.0-2 libSparkAppList: 1.0.7 libssh2: 1.8.0-2 libswift (stable): 5.0 libsymbolicate (SparkDev): 1.9.2 libtapi10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1 libtasn1: 4.13-1 libunistring: 0.9.10-1 libxml2: 2.6.32-1 Link Identity Editor: 2:2.1.2+24497ae-1 Locale Profiles in UTF-8: 1.0-1 LocalIAPStore13: 0.0.2 LZ4: 1.7.5-1 LZMA Utils: 2:4.32.7-2 Make: 4.2.1-2 Nettle: 3.4.1-1 New Curses: 5.9-1 New Curses: 6.1+20181013-1 New GNU Portable Threads: 1.6-1 NewTerm (iOS 10 – 13): 2.4 OpenSSL 1.0 Libraries: 1.0.2s-1 p11-kit: 0.23.12-1 Perl: 5.28.0-2 PicsArt Hack: 0.0.2 PortraitXI: 2.0.5 PowerSelector (iOS 11 to 13): 1.2.6 PreferenceLoader: 2.2.4 PrefixUI: 1.2.6 Profile Directory: 0-1 readline: 8.0-1 ReProvision: 0.5~release Rocket for Instagram Cracked: 3.6.12 RocketBootstrap: 1.0.7~beta3 rsync: 3.1.3-2 SCW: 0.0.1-1+debug sed: 4.5-1 shell-cmds: 118-8 Slider Ahmad Mokadam: 3.0.2-2+debug Soda Repo Icons: 1.2 SourcePlus: 2.7 Spotilife: 1.1a StoreSwitcher 2: 1.0.2 Substitute Support Package: 0.1~b4 Substrate Safe Mode: 0.9.6003 system-cmds: 790.30.1-2 Tape Archive: 1.30-2 TechSupport Framework (SparkDev): 1.5.2 Theos Installer 2 (unc0ver and checkra1n): 1.0.2 TheosTips: 1.0-1 Trust Cache Injector: 0.4~b5 UIKit Tools: 1.1.15-2 unrar: 5.6.4-1 unzip: 6.0+deb9u1-1 UUID Generator: 1.6.2-1 Watusi 2 for WhatsApp Cracked: 1.2.36 WatusiTools Cracked: 2.1.18 wget: 1.19.5-2 XAR: 1.6.1-2 XML Parser Toolkit: 2.2.5-1 XZ Utils: 5.2.4-4 YTplus: 2.0 zip: 2.32-1

mudi47 avatar Mar 22 '20 11:03 mudi47

I don't know why some are crossed out

mudi47 avatar Mar 22 '20 11:03 mudi47

7-zip (POSIX): 16.02-1

A-Bypass: 1.0.5

Aperturize: 2.1.2

AppList: 1.5.15~beta1

APT (apt-key): 1.8.2-1

APT (libapt-pkg): 1.8.2-1

APT 0.7 Transitional: 1:0-2

APT 1.4 Transitional: 1:0

APT Strict (lib): 1.8.2-1

APT: 1.8.2-3

Arab-Cydia Icons: 1.4-1

Assuan: 2.5.1-1

azf Library: 1.0-1

BackupAZ 3 (iOS 10 - 13) Cracked: 1.7.1

Base Structure: 1-5

Berkeley DB: 6.2.32-1

BetterCCXI: 1.6.0

betterW: 1.1.7

BigBoss Icon Set: 1.0

Bourne-Again SHell: 5.0.3-2

Boxy 4 (iOS 13) Free: 4.1.1

bzip2: 1.0.6-1

CA Certs: 0.0.2

Carrierizer: 1.0.5

Cask: 0.2

CCSupport: 1.2.2

CellDia: 0.0~beta5

Cephei: 1.14

Choicy: 1.1.4

clang-10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1

clang: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1

Core Utilities (/bin): 8.31-1

Core Utilities: 8.31-1

CracksHelper: 100.3

CrashReporter (SparkDev): 1.17.2

cURL: 7.65.0-1

Cydia Installer: 1.1.32~b24

Cydia Translations: 1.1.32~b1

CyDown: 7.0.6

Cylinder: 1.1

Darwin CC Tools: 927.0.2-1

Darwin Tools: 1.1-1

Debian Packager: 1.19.7-1

Debian Utilities: 4.8.6-1

debugserver-10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1

debugserver: 10-1

Diff Utilities: 3.6-1

diskdev-cmds: 593.221.1-1

DockX: 1.2

DzMohaipa Icons: 10.2

EverAK: 1.0

file: 5.35-2

Filza File Manager: 3.7.3-16k

Find Utilities: 4.6.0-2

Flame: 1.3

FlyJB: 0.2.3~beta6

FoxFort Tools: 1.0.15

Gawk: 4.2.1-1

gettext: 0.19.8-1

Git: 2.20.0-1

GNU Cryptography: 1.8.3-1

GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library: 6.1.2-1

GnuPG Errors: 1.32-1

GnuPG: 2.2.11-2

GnuTLS: 3.5.19-1

grep: 3.1-1

gzip: 1.9-1

IconTweak Cracked: 1.0.5

iOS Firmware: 13.3

iPhone Firmware (/sbin): 0-1

Jailbreak Resources: 1.0~b27

jbctl: 0.2.3-1

KillX Pro Cracked: 2.1.2-1

KSBA: 1.3.5-1

Launch Daemon Controller: 23-1

ld64: 450.3-1

libc++-10-dev: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1

libc++-dev: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1

libclang-common-10-dev: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1

libclang-cpp10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1

libcolorpicker: 1.6.7

libcrashreport (SparkDev): 1.1.2

Liberty Lite (Beta): 0.2.12

libfoxfortutils: 1.0.14

libidn2: 6.1.2-1

libllvm10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1

liblto10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1

libnghttp2-14: 1.38.0-1

libpackageinfo (SparkDev): 1.1.4

libplist: 2.0.0-2

libSparkAppList: 1.0.7

libssh2: 1.8.0-2

libswift (stable): 5.0

libsymbolicate (SparkDev): 1.9.2

libtapi10: 10.0.0~svn-20191106+dcaf932-1

libtasn1: 4.13-1

libunistring: 0.9.10-1

libxml2: 2.6.32-1

Link Identity Editor: 2:2.1.2+24497ae-1

Locale Profiles in UTF-8: 1.0-1

LocalIAPStore13: 0.0.2

LZ4: 1.7.5-1

LZMA Utils: 2:4.32.7-2

Make: 4.2.1-2

Nettle: 3.4.1-1

New Curses: 5.9-1

New Curses: 6.1+20181013-1

New GNU Portable Threads: 1.6-1

NewTerm (iOS 10 – 13): 2.4

OpenSSL 1.0 Libraries: 1.0.2s-1

p11-kit: 0.23.12-1

Perl: 5.28.0-2

PicsArt Hack: 0.0.2

PortraitXI: 2.0.5

PowerSelector (iOS 11 to 13): 1.2.6

PreferenceLoader: 2.2.4

PrefixUI: 1.2.6

Profile Directory: 0-1

readline: 8.0-1

ReProvision: 0.5~release

Rocket for Instagram Cracked: 3.6.12

RocketBootstrap: 1.0.7~beta3

rsync: 3.1.3-2

SCW: 0.0.1-1+debug

sed: 4.5-1

shell-cmds: 118-8

Slider Ahmad Mokadam: 3.0.2-2+debug

Soda Repo Icons: 1.2

SourcePlus: 2.7

Spotilife: 1.1a

StoreSwitcher 2: 1.0.2

Substitute Support Package: 0.1~b4

Substrate Safe Mode: 0.9.6003

system-cmds: 790.30.1-2

Tape Archive: 1.30-2

TechSupport Framework (SparkDev): 1.5.2

Theos Installer 2 (unc0ver and checkra1n): 1.0.2

TheosTips: 1.0-1

Trust Cache Injector: 0.4~b5

UIKit Tools: 1.1.15-2

unrar: 5.6.4-1

unzip: 6.0+deb9u1-1

UUID Generator: 1.6.2-1

Watusi 2 for WhatsApp Cracked: 1.2.36

WatusiTools Cracked: 2.1.18

wget: 1.19.5-2

XAR: 1.6.1-2

XML Parser Toolkit: 2.2.5-1

XZ Utils: 5.2.4-4

YTplus: 2.0

zip: 2.32-1

well for starters, you have cracked tweaks installed.

yourlocaltechboi avatar Mar 22 '20 18:03 yourlocaltechboi

Sooo, it happened again.. without tweaks etc..

mudi47 avatar Mar 23 '20 18:03 mudi47

Do I get help here or no?!

mudi47 avatar Mar 24 '20 20:03 mudi47

@mudi47 Send use your repo list. Remove all pirated packages, after you have done so remove your pirate repos. Try disabling all youtube related tweaks. After doing all this see if it still "HARD RESTART" from now on.

Cryptiiiic avatar Mar 27 '20 08:03 Cryptiiiic

@mudi47 Send use your repo list. Remove all pirated packages, after you have done so remove your pirate repos. Try disabling all youtube related tweaks. After doing all this see if it still "HARD RESTART" from now on.

I don’t have any pirate repos. And I have only a tweak for YouTube and this I developed by my self Here my repos (Jannikcrack is not a pirate repo)

https://apt.bingner.com/ https://apt.fouadraheb.com/ http://cydia.zodttd.com/repo/cydia/ http://pw5a29.github.io/ http://apt.modmyi.com/ https://r0wdrunner.github.io/repo/ https://repo.twickd.com/ http://junesiphone.com/repo/ http://xsf1re.github.io/repo/ https://megadevios.github.io/repo/ https://ryleyangus.com/repo/ https://jannikcrack.github.io/ https://repo.nullpixel.uk/ https://worksbybbs.github.io/ https://nicho1asdev.github.io/repo/ http://repo.rpgfarm.com/ http://repo.kritanta.me/ https://revulate.dev/ https://cydia.ichitaso.com/ https://arab-cydia.com/repo/ https://repo.packix.com/ https://samgisaninja.github.io/ http://mudi47.github.io/ https://DGh0st.github.io/ http://cydia.iphonecake.com/ https://getzbra.com/repo/ http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/ https://julioverne.github.io/ https://mohadu31.com/ https://tw3ha.github.io/tw3to/ https://rpetri.ch/repo/ https://repo.chariz.com/ http://cydia.f0u4d.com/ https://pr0crustes.github.io/repo/ https://skitty.xyz/repo/ http://c1d3r.com/repo/ https://repo.dynastic.co/ https://repo.incendo.ws/ https://sparkdev.me/ http://repo.snapbreak.app/ https://julio.hackyouriphone.org/ https://rishanan.github.io/ http://getdelta.co/ https://cokepokes.github.io/ https://paxcex.github.io/ https://shiftcmdk.github.io/repo/ https://apt.alfhaily.me/ http://coolstar.org/publicrepo/ https://jakeashacks.net/cydia/ https://bros4x.com/ https://ib-soft.net/cydia/beta/ https://cydiageek.yourepo.com/

mudi47 avatar Mar 27 '20 10:03 mudi47

@mudi47 uninstall Liberty lite or disable it with choicy and uninstall that youtube tweak or disable with choicy. Report back if you still hard restart.

Cryptiiiic avatar Mar 27 '20 21:03 Cryptiiiic

@mudi47 uninstall Liberty lite or disable it with choicy and uninstall that youtube tweak or disable with choicy. Report back if you still hard restart.

I uninstalled liberty & I will now uninstall yt tweak too.

mudi47 avatar Mar 27 '20 21:03 mudi47

@mudi47 please post all panic-base, reset-counter, and panic-full crash logs.

Cryptiiiic avatar Mar 29 '20 00:03 Cryptiiiic

@mudi47 please post all panic-base, reset-counter, and panic-full crash logs.

I will upload when I’m getting restart.

mudi47 avatar Mar 29 '20 00:03 mudi47

@mudi47 you probably have left over ones from last time, please post those.

Cryptiiiic avatar Mar 29 '20 00:03 Cryptiiiic

@mudi47 you probably have left over ones from last time, please post those.

Idk whichone it is, i have lot of logs in my paniclogs

mudi47 avatar Mar 29 '20 00:03 mudi47

@mudi47 send all named panic-base, reset-counter, and panic-full.

Cryptiiiic avatar Mar 29 '20 00:03 Cryptiiiic

@mudi47 send all named panic-base, reset-counter, and panic-full.

{"bug_type":"115","timestamp":"2020-03-28 21:32:17.51 +0100","name":"Reset count","os_version":"iPhone OS 13.3 (17C54)","incident_id":"6C85E7CE-197B-4095-B451-35A7EE40D74F"} Incident Identifier: 6C85E7CE-197B-4095-B451-35A7EE40D74F CrashReporter Key: fbcea8a719467ace0608761f5961be2c8496dd1e Date: 2020-03-28 21:32:14.78 +0100 Reset count: 0 Boot failure count: 1 Boot faults: btn_rst Boot stage: 48 Boot app: 2681261667

mudi47 avatar Mar 29 '20 00:03 mudi47

@mudi47 send the files ugh

Cryptiiiic avatar Mar 29 '20 00:03 Cryptiiiic

@mudi47 do you have any panic-full's those are the most important

Cryptiiiic avatar Mar 29 '20 00:03 Cryptiiiic

@mudi47 please send all your panic-full's at once

Cryptiiiic avatar Mar 29 '20 00:03 Cryptiiiic

@mudi47 please send all your panic-full's at once

I have only one panic-full file

mudi47 avatar Mar 29 '20 00:03 mudi47

@mudi47 alright post the panic-full next time you random reboot.

Cryptiiiic avatar Mar 29 '20 00:03 Cryptiiiic

nothing to do for now

Cryptiiiic avatar Mar 29 '20 00:03 Cryptiiiic

@mudi47 alright post the panic-full next time you random reboot.

Ok I’ll do it. Thx

mudi47 avatar Mar 29 '20 00:03 mudi47


Cryptiiiic avatar Mar 29 '20 21:03 Cryptiiiic

can i submit my problem here too? i6s u0 4.3.1 random reboot since few days ago

abheizthe avatar Mar 30 '20 08:03 abheizthe

@abheizthe Yes please submit all your panic-full crashlogs and your unc0ver diagnostics.

Cryptiiiic avatar Mar 30 '20 19:03 Cryptiiiic

nothing to do for now

Hi it's me again, I did the day before yesterday Restore Rootfs and I have the same tweaks, now I have 2 days uptime image

mudi47 avatar Mar 30 '20 21:03 mudi47

nothing to do for now

Hi it's me again, I did the day before yesterday Restore Rootfs and I have the same tweaks, now I have 2 days uptime image

I’ll contact you if I’m getting restart again

mudi47 avatar Mar 30 '20 21:03 mudi47

@abheizthe Yes please submit all your panic-full crashlogs and your unc0ver diagnostics.

@Cryptiiiic it's safe to post it all here?


should i post my list tweak too?

abheizthe avatar Mar 31 '20 05:03 abheizthe

@Cryptiiiic After two days uptime I’m getting restart again.. My Panic-Full & ResetCounter http://www.mediafire.com/folder/3swpgd35fh0r8/Panic-full_%2B_ResetCounter

mudi47 avatar Mar 31 '20 09:03 mudi47

@Cryptiiiic I am getting reboots whenever I have a jailbreak detection bypass running for Snapchat, nothing else.

m3rtngs avatar Apr 01 '20 10:04 m3rtngs