Patrick Delaney
Patrick Delaney
Complete rewrite of styling: Since the current CSS is not going to be used, a complete rewrite of styling is necessary. This could involve switching to a utility-first CSS framework...
This should ideally apply across both frontend and backend, if language conventions allow.
re: after a series of transforms to distribute the share pools upon a sell, we have: ``` // AggregateUserPayouts aggregates YES and NO payouts for each user. func AggregateUserPayoutsDBPM(bets []models.Bet,...
Re, Manifold's documentation:
Golang math.Round() doesn't likely naturally implement Banker's Rounding, Need Custom Implementation
After having gotten some feedback on potential themes, we had roughly equivalent votes: Searching around, I found that, "paper dashboard" has a BLK version. People seemed to like the dashboard...
In MarketBetsDisplayHandler()... When we go to processBetsForDisplay we have to enter the time that the market was created at. In order to do this we have to make a query...